Post details: GraceHeads and LawHeads


Permalink 08:06:05 pm, Categories: Background, GraceHead teaching, By Trent, 5793 words   English (US)

GraceHeads and LawHeads

GraceHead vs. LawHead 6 (fantasy)

No matter what distinguishes Christ and his church, it is insignificant compared to the oneness we have.

I'll keep this segment short, but Christianity quickly becomes a fantasy if you separate yourself from Christ and attempt to be like Him.

If I stood Tiger Woods in front of you and asked for descriptions, then we would have alot of fantastic words to describe a phenomenal athlete. If I wrote the descriptions down on a board and then omitted Tiger as the person that we were talking about. Well first of all it would not make sense, but secondly ... and more importantly, the description would simply be a fantasy. Now, what is the Sermon on the Mount, if you eliminate Christ? What are any of the attempts to separate you from Christ and behave like Him except silly fantasies?

Do we imitate holiness in order to become holy, or do we invite Christ to come and be our holiness in us? LawHeads are into imitation of divinity. GraceHeads are into the infusion of divinity.

If we are one with Christ, as He is one with the Father, then we are combined with Him in perfect unity and combined to each other as well. This is why love for your uniqueness is easy in light of our oneness, because I love my uniqueness, and this is why we should not harm each other in the body of Christ, because we only harm ourselves due to our oneness in Spirit.

WWJD cannot help you life a godly life any more then a "What-Would-Tiger-Do" bracelet will help you win a major PGA event. So, I say that Christ in me is the REALITY that is my only hope of glory, not trying to live up to the lonely fantasy of "What Jesus Would Do."

Next we discuss "soul and spirit."
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