Post details: GraceHeads and LawHeads


Permalink 08:06:05 pm, Categories: Background, GraceHead teaching, By Trent, 5793 words   English (US)

GraceHeads and LawHeads

GraceHead vs. LawHead 13 (sameness)

LawHead teaching emphasizes the mold way of production, and GraceHead instruction emphasizes the assembly line.

You know, only very low tech things are build by a mold, and all of the items look just alike. If you press two things in a mold, then how are they different from each other? Secondly, the mold will produce INSTANT results, and MASS quantities of LOW quality.

However, assembly lines can produce assortments of things. God uses spiritual assembly lines. If we were all in a room and I passed around a lump of clay so that we could all put our mark on it, then there would be as many different results as there were lumps of clay. Some of us would over-think the issue and not put a mark until we knew exactly what we were trying to do, others would just take the clay and squeeze it and still others might try to repair and smooth out the shape. But the bottom line is that we could never duplicate the result by ourselves, it takes each of us to leave our unique mark. So don't try to leave more then your mark, and let God choose who makes the next one ... the END PRODUCT is HIS responsibility... not yours.

On God's assembly line, He has many tools at His disposal - Angels, Saints, History, Fear, Satan, Truth, Revelation, Deception, Peace, Calamity, Betrayal, Victory ... etc. etc, to include all things. And for each of us, He calls forward all the parts that need to leave a mark on us, in due time. Each of us unique ... no mold at all! Sometimes I think that it is my place just to tell people to stay on the assembly line, and that God is not through with them yet, and sometimes I think that I play a bigger roll ... but there are many, many people for which God does not want me to interfere, and I won't impact them at all.

This idea of the assembly line can help keep you from being weary of doing good, as it will focus on God rather then the results. The results are up to Him, not us ... we all have a small part to play in His economy though, and in order to be ready when we can be used ... it is best to be RESTFULLY available.

Next we discuss "equality"
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