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A Fresh Look at Forgiveness

by Bud

In nearly every book I've read, sermon I've heard, Bible study I've participated in and conversation I've been a party to, I seem to come away with an 'accounting ledger' perspective of forgiveness. The column of debits due to sin, has been paid for by the assets of Jesus' very own life. God is satisfied with the death of Jesus to completely pay for the sins of the world (the excellent KJV word propitiation).

But if this alone is forgiveness, something feels missing; there is a sense of incompleteness, if I merely stop at balancing the books.

When I've crossed a family member, friend or enemy and have forgiven them or been forgiven by them, I never just have a 'ledger experience' with them. That forgiveness experience is more than a payment of a debt of apology or money or respect or something else to right a wrong.

Where people are involved in forgiveness, there is also an experience where our relationship is restored or on the mend. Forgiveness is not just payment of a debt alone, but continues into the attempt to restore the relationship.

It's amazing how a walk through the dictionary, helps us remember what words really mean. To forgive is to be satisfied with the resolution of an offence without harboring resentment. Stopping at balancing the books is only justification. Forgiveness goes beyond justification to restoration.

How strong is the law, if we forget the love and grace of God? Even for GraceHeads, it blinds us and we are tricked into a false forgiveness.

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Yes, these things are forgiven the penitent man. And that penitent mans devotion is proven by works in obedience, wherein he shall shed the skin of the world and become reborn, fully established in Christ by My Spirit, and hated of the world, leading to strife with your neighbors and loved ones. ~ Jesus [Letters from God and His Christ - Volume 4 - Walk Not Where Others Walk]

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