Post details: What a Kick in the GraceHead!


What a Kick in the GraceHead!

Bud, what does Jesus Christ mean to you on a day to day basis?

I can’t imagine a day without my Savior Jesus as my source of life, joy and hope. I live every day alive in Him as a forgiven person, His ambassador, a co-heir and the very best friend I could ever have. Life is very good because Jesus Himself is my life.

The glory of His love and grace make my heart pound. I have 24/7 access to His wisdom and counsel. Every day He reveals His trustworthiness to me. I am never alone. When I walk in the Spirit, I am confident Jesus and I are enough to take a stand or meet the great or not-so-great moments of what make up my day.

When I am down and discouraged, I know He is calling me to His side even when I’m feeling sorry for myself. When I am faithless He is still faithful. When I am afraid, His love is there and will cast out my fear the instant I trust in His love for me.

When I came to Christ and was born again, it changed my destiny – from the Lake of Fire to eternity at His side in the New Jerusalem. But when I came to understand Galatians 2:20 in my early-20s, IT LIT UP MY HEART AND FOREVER CHANGED THE WAY I LIVED AS A CHRISTIAN:

“I have been crucified with Christ and I no longer live, but Christ lives in me. The life I live in the body, I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave Himself for me.”

For nearly all of my 23 years I had lived in silent fear of what people thought of me. At a point in time where I was ready to take my own life (as a born-again, Bible believing, serving the Lord in church Christian), the Holy Spirit taught me that I could walk by faith in Jesus Christ and face anything because Jesus Himself was with me and that was enough to face life in any circumstance.

I cherish the day in anticipation of the moment Jesus’ glory is proclaimed without complaint when “every knee will bow and every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord to the glory of God the Father!”


Now, I didn't share this to brag on myself, but to encourage you to be blessed like I've been by letting God open your head to your heart and spirit where He abides inside of you.

Now don't overthink this ... you're not in competition or getting a grade ... back away from the concordances and lexicons ... resist the urge to pick up your interlinear Greek (& Hebrew) study Bibles ... unplug the iPod ... think Nike - "Just do it!" and answer this little question for yourself:

"(your name), what does Jesus Christ mean to you on a day to day basis?"

Once you get over the shock, give glory and thanksgiving to the Lord, then stick a copy in your Bible for the next time you are stalked by self-pity. Heck, you might even want to send exerpts to Trent and let us compile and share a few gems from your own encounter with Jesus.

And by the way, thanks for taking the time to read this and letting me share my experience with you.

Kicked in the GraceHead,


P.S. Here's a saying to go with "Can Jesus come out and play?"

"Love, grace, truth and life -
It's all about Jesus." ™

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My commandment to you is to love those who have wronged you and forgive them, starting with your own self; and be patient with those whom you have wronged. ~ Jesus [Letters from God and His Christ - Volume 6 - Bear Fruit According to the Spirit of Truth]

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