Post details: Understanding....


Permalink 03:37:02 pm, Categories: Announcements [A], By Emily
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I was writing a letter to a dear sister in Christ and I realized what the Lord had given this to me in understanding....

"So, God has called me out of that mold. He has not really even called me ever so gently, but is getting my attention at all costs. HE LONGS for His children to love and serve Him. This God of the Bible. Real, and alive, and HE WILL use any (no matter how imperfect) who will surrender the old for the new and stand arms open to Him, WILLING to have Him work through you, no matter what the cost."


Comment from: Timothy [Member] ·
Amen, Emily...amen.

The Lord said to me, in our obedience is our love for Him made perfect.

...a willing, trusting heart... a complete surrendering to Him, the Lord Our Righteousness.
Permalink 11/07/07 @ 15:44
Comment from: emilyc [Member] ·
How the Lord can/will use the vilest of us is utterly amazing to me. I am nothing but a prideful self-consumed jerk on my own. And then....I cracked open my heart...and a ray from the Son fell into that crack and started illuminating every sin and evil deed/thought. Here is the original (name omitted) email I had written that in....

This is all new ground for me too. Believe me. In one moment, I am horribly afraid. In another, I am very confident that the Lord WILL indeed fulfill His promises as He has said. And so, it is with faith that we walk blindly trusting the Lord. We are to obey each one of His commandments, Sister. Every single one. I dare say that we do these things even when they do not make sense to us, or even when they look silly. Over the last year or so I have dug DEEP into the Bible.

I have spent hours and hours pondering, praying, reading..... and the person who reminds me of this is Ezekiel. Now there's a guy who followed the Lord at all costs. Ever read Ezekiel? If not.....I highly recommend it. God tells him to do many things that we would see as weird, and sometimes just plain old harsh. We are so weak and afraid, you know. But, the point here is being the WILLING servant. Not closing yourself off saying "well, I'm just going to stay here in my own little Christian world...." How....Pharisee like. (In a holier than thou tone) "Well, let's worry about what everyone ELSE is doing...."

So, God has called me out of that mold. He has not really even called me ever so gently, but is getting my attention at all costs. HE LONGS for His children to love and serve Him. This God of the Bible. Real, and alive, and HE WILL use any (no matter how imperfect) who will surrender the old for the new and stand arms open to Him, WILLING to have Him work through you, no matter what the cost.

You have made a wonderful observation, Sister......
Jesus says, "Take up your cross and follow me", He does NOT say "Sit smugly in your own self-absorbed world". :) Ouch...that hurts....even me.
Permalink 11/07/07 @ 16:04
Comment from: Trent [Member] ·

I love what you wrote, and agree with a hearty amen.

There is nothing more special than a willing heart, yet I caution myself against a tenancy to boast ... for even my willingness is a gift that I cannot generate on my own.

I desire the Lord Jesus, but did I give myself that desire?

My mouth waters when I think about or merely hear the word "jalapeño." Yet, not everyone has that reaction. I might even be in the minority. Nevertheless, I discovered this inclination, I did not generate this within me. It is how I was crafted, so I don't take the credit. Likewise, we look to Jesus with longing and willingness, while others look with hearts hard and no willingness found.

When Jesus was revealed to us, did we create willingness, or did we reveal willingness?

I say that we "revealed willingness," and therefore take nothing of which to boast ... for the elect have discovered the noble crafting of their frail frame, and nothing is found in us of which to boast, for our Creator that forms us deserves all glory, honor and praise.

We are humble grateful with this understanding. And I recognize all my boasting has been improper, except my boasting in the Lord!

2Co 3:5 -
Not that we are adequate in ourselves to consider anything as coming from ourselves, but our adequacy is from God,

Ripening for the harvest,
Permalink 11/08/07 @ 09:03

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It is the strong man that chooses love and forgiveness through sacrifice of himself and his own desires, not following after the ungodly men of this world. His justification is in the Lord and he chooses to follow My very footsteps. ~ Jesus [Letters from God and His Christ - Volume 6 - Keep Not the Company of the Wicked, This is Where All Seeds of Dissension Grow]

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