Post details: Plastic Jesus


Permalink 01:17:41 am, Categories: By Pam
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Plastic Jesus

I don't know very many Christians raised in perfect Christian homes, who are raising perfect Christian children, while enjoying perfect prosperity as a result of the blessing being poured out on them, as the result of their perfect obedience to God. Matter of fact, I don't know any but I know plenty who feel they must appear as such. They believe their testimony of the perfected Christian life in them is paramount in bringing others to Christ. Little do they know that the Jesus they are presenting is as lifeless and of as much use as a plastic Jesus on the dashboard of their car.

Jesus ate and drank with sinners because He knows what real life for the common person is all about. He's there when your son or daughter tell you that they are gay or that you've a grandchild coming sooner than you expected. He's there when your wife has an affair and your kids rebel. He's there when you loose your job and your health abandons you too. Jesus is there walking and living through all of the problems that we sinners have because He came to save sinners. There is nothing perfectly plastic about Jesus, He is in the nitty gritty details of life. Those of us who belong to HIm don't need to plasticize ourselves to draw others to Him either. All we have to do is be honest, quit worrying about our testimony, and give testimony to the wonderful things Jesus does through all of the things that can and do go wrong. All we have to do is lift Him and all men will be drawn to Him. He does all of the work all we need to do is give Him the credit.


Comment from: SteveW [Visitor] ·
"He does all of the work all we need to do is give Him the credit."

Good thoughts Pam. That is what worship really is. Giving God the credit...the worth.
Permalink 01/28/07 @ 21:18
Comment from: Pam [Member]
It's also a better way to live. I'm not advocating debauchery here but we can never make ourselves holy and we never do anyone any good by carrying a pretense of holiness either. If we want people to see Jesus in us then we must be honest about our lives and the ways He helps us get through every day. Seperation is spiritual, we simply can't go out of the world, we carry the world in our mortal selves and that is right where Jesus meets our needs. He IS where the rubber meets the road.:0)

Permalink 01/29/07 @ 00:01

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For your repentance to Me and love for the Son has caused me to remember your sin no more. It is separated from you as far as the east is from the west. ~ God [Letters from God and His Christ - Volume 1 - A Warning About Falling Back Into Sin and the Ways of Demons]

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