Post details: Flesh helping flesh not be fleshy - or "Let me be your Holy Spirit."


Permalink 03:31:52 pm, Categories: By Trent
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Flesh helping flesh not be fleshy - or "Let me be your Holy Spirit."

I've had this problem, where I try to change those around me. Their darkness reveals my irritability, and for my own comfort I feed them what I think they need. But, I always justified it as me helping them grow spiritually.

I guess I was broken from this about 10 years ago, when I saw that it was destroying my relationship with my wife, who was my girlfriend at the time. I saw that I was inserting myself as her Holy Spirit. I saw that I was not even qualified to be my own Holy Spirit, much less anybody elses.

So, I prayed a new prayer ... "thy will be done, Lord" and I said this request, "I ask you Lord, to make this dear sister, whom I love into a fully mature woman glowing with godliness." I began to want to see Christ come out of her and play, but not merely for my own comfort. And I was happy to be uncomfortable and wait on the Lord to answer my prayer by His spirit, not my strength and power, nor by what I percieved as a need in her.

So, when I thought that I saw carnality in her, it did not cause me to insert my carnality by trying to fix her. Rather I remembered that I gave this to the Lord, and I would THANK Him. Because He always hears our requests, and that He cares more for Heather's spiritual maturity than even I do ... and that He alone is able to make a difference by the Spirit's influence in her heart.

Did you know that was faith, and an excercise for me nearly every day to have faith. And much of my carnality dropped away, and much of hers as well.

Saying "thank you" is the language of faith, and as we are thankful we are people of faith.

So, we see a need ... all around us. But are we willing to give that need to the Lord , and are we willing to be thankful that He has it, and that we are not to insert ourselves as Holy Spirit, where we are not qualified?
Inspired by THIS


Comment from: lisa Brookins [Visitor]
Amen Trent...
Good to see your posts in here. Bless Pam's heart, she's been toting this blog for a bit--pam? you still out there, faithful sister?

I find that I still trip up and attempt to be someone's H.S. Often times, when I do that, somehow or other, God manages to put a mirror up in front of me, and lets me see my own log in my eye, as I try to pull out the splinter in someone else's. How grateful I am that God knows all about me--yet loves me anyways! :)
Permalink 01/15/07 @ 21:11
Comment from: Len [Visitor] ·
Thanks, Trent. I know I've been "guilty as charged" on more than a few occasions, ... even when it "seemed so right" 'to intervene and correct." - Well, there *is* a time and a place 'for correction' *IN THE RIGHT SPIRIT,* ... but we must be very vigilant against exactly what you have pointed out here as a snare of the evil one and the carnal, religious-ego.

Thanks for the message and reminder: it's an important one. GOD bless.
Permalink 01/16/07 @ 02:13
Comment from: C Grace [Visitor] ·
Trent, (and Pam too on her post on abuse)

Thanks for some great reminders. I haven't been around for a while, and of course when I decide to stop in it is just what I need. It's all about letting Christ change us. As He does that people are drawn to Him through?/in? us.

This is something I have struggled with especially in regards to my children as they are becoming teens. You see behaviors that you know are going to lead to some hard and painful lessons and you want to prevent it, not for their sake but because you know that you are going to suffer with them. Yet God Himself was willing to give us our freedom and let us suffer our hard knocks knowing that He would come down and suffer with us.
Permalink 01/17/07 @ 11:18

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