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Permalink 08:06:05 pm, Categories: Background, GraceHead teaching, By Trent
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GraceHeads and LawHeads

GraceHead vs. LawHead 7 (soul and Spirit)

Spiritual success cannot be found in the soul.

Are you being taught by someone who has been trained that success in ministry could be found in how they thought, how they could emotionally connect, will-power, and how they present themselves? Most LawHead seminaries covertly combine soul and Spirit. People have their place among LawHeads if they are merely trained to minister with their soul to the souls of others in a vain attempt to produce spiritual success.

Spiritual success is not found in your thoughts, or how you present yourself, or will-power. Spiritual success is found in the Spirit of the Lord Jesus. Not by power or by might, but by the Spirit.

Spiritual instruction will separate soul and Spirit, and point to a little treasure box, not in your inner self, but deeper, in your innermost being, where all of the fullness of the Godhead in Christ resides in all those born of the Spirit.

I often point out that Christ's life is holy. And if you have Christ as your life, then are you any less holy?
Christ's life is near to the Father. If Christ is your life, then how near to the Father are you?
Christ's life is righteous. If Christ is your life, the how righteous are you?
Are you finding your identity by the Spirit, or the soul? Unbelief will tell you that you are less holy then Christ, less perfect, etc. Thus LawHead teaching will always point to condemnation, because to condemn someone they first have to convince you that you are not in Christ. (see Romans 8 - there is no condemnation to those who are in Christ Jesus)

You will never be spiritually limited by your soul, in what you know, how you feel, how you relate to family, your occupation, nor whatever drives your identity outside of your Spirit. Everything outside of your Spirit will fail you, and drive you to something beyond the LawHead emphasis on the things of the soul. These things will betray you, and it is a blessing when they do. God wants you to look for the longings of your heart in Him, where He can impact you in your innermost being - your Spirit.

Open the treasure chest, and out of it will flow rivers of living water.

Next we talk about "focus factor."
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Beloved, why do you ask of your sins and their forgiveness? Do you not know they were forgiven before the foundation of the earth through My Son, the Christ. For He knew you then and knows you yet still. For I have forgiven you, yet you have not. Confess all in your heart, and feel My presence, and My forgiveness will come into you and give you peace. ~ God [Letters from God and His Christ - Volume 1 - Open Your Heart to the Lord, and He Will Give You Rest]

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