Post details: So You Don't Think God Can Use You? - Revisited


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So You Don't Think God Can Use You? - Revisited

Budz Buzz This was such a good comment from visitor caucazhin that it had to be shared with the rest of the blogosphere:

Abraham was constantly questioning and doubting God.
Sarah lied to God about laughing at him.
Jacob tried to whip Gods butt.
Job thought he knew more than God.
Adam, Abraham, Sampson, David and Soloman all listened to a woman instead of God.

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Accept My sacrifice and repent and then shall you awaken to glory in hence six years less then shall you awaken to glory ~ Jesus [Letters from God and His Christ - Volume 4 - Those Who Seek to Possess What is Worldly Shall Lose That Which is Heavenly. Those Who Forsake the World Shall Gain Heaven...Seek Christ Jesus, He is the Way!]

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