Post details: Universalism = Salvation by works?


Permalink 01:00:04 pm, Categories: GraceHead teaching, By Trent
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Universalism = Salvation by works?

If something is frozen to death, will it revive when you thaw it out? You can cure it of the frozenness, but will it spring to life again?

Typically, the answer is that when something is frozen to death, it remains dead even when you thaw it out. But that is not always the case.
NOR is it the case that a human soul that is without life in creation will remain without life, when exposed to the life that they lack.

Believe it or not, God has confounded the wise, by making several distinct animals in creation that can be frozen solid, and as soon as they are heated up, they come back to life.

There are microbes that can survive -40 degrees Celcius, in the frozen tundra.

The "Painted Turtle" is an example of a recent discover of "freeze tolerance" down to -10 C.

The "wood frog" is another amazing example of over 65% of their body freezing solid every winter, and then they warm up and hop along in the spring. And the wood frog is only one of 5 species of frogs that accomplish this every year in Canada.

There are moths that turn icy every year and come back. Larva, like the Goldenrod Gall Fly Larva, that is known for freeze tolerances. Microscopic animals have lended insight to Japanese scientist, who have extracted and simulated the chemical composition of these tiny animals and have been able to infuse rat-hearts with the substance, freeze it for weeks, and then get the heart back pumping once they thaw it.

Grass freezes on your lawn and comes back, though we take this for granted. In fact, alot of plants are free-tolerant. When they are warmed up, they resume their lives.

For as many examples of freeze-tolarant parts of creation, there are far more plants and microbes and animals that are destroyed by freezing solid. They can't survive the frost-bite, and every cell is ruptured beyond repair. No amount of heat will bring them back.

My point is this, the Father created some human souls with the inherent ability to come to life basking in the shed life-blood of the Savior, but others (the many on the wide road to destruction) will not awaken to new life. They are not going to be revived, and they don't want to be. Even those that the Father has fashioned as willing are not really that willing anyway. Just a little bit willing, and not sufficient to make the connection of their own. They are willing only to allow Another to bring them through second birth, realizing that they can't do it of themselves.

When grafting branches onto vines, science has seen that the branches send out little bumps of fibers that hardly can be detected. Only through microscopes can you see the attempt of the brance to make a connection with the vine. However, the vine's efforts are sufficient. They take hold of the new grafted branch, encompass it with its bark, and send strong fibers inside the branch to take hold of it. Once the grafting is taken place, it is more likely that you can break the branch in any other location before it will break where the grafting took place. This is due ALMOST primarily to the vine's efforts, and the branch has contributed so little that it is hardly worth mentioning.

So it is with our salvation. First we were chosen by the Father to have this ability to come to life by the blood of Jesus. Secondly, Jesus recognizes all who will believe and seeks them out, not letting a single one of the chosen fall into permenant decay. Then we come to a point of recognizing our death, and need of life, and ask Jesus to come inside of us and change us. We tend to want to take credit for this feeble effort, but it is hardly worth mentioning, compared to all the things that the Vine does to take hold of us. Meanwhile, there are other branches that are fit for the fire, to only be consumed on the last day.

We can only be gratful and silenced in deep gratitude that we have been chosen before the world began.

John 15
The Vine and the Branches
1"I am the true vine, and my Father is the gardener. 2He cuts off every branch in me that bears no fruit, while every branch that does bear fruit he prunes[a] so that it will be even more fruitful. 3You are already clean because of the word I have spoken to you. 4Remain in me, and I will remain in you. No branch can bear fruit by itself; it must remain in the vine. Neither can you bear fruit unless you remain in me.

5"I am the vine; you are the branches. If a man remains in me and I in him, he will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing. 6If anyone does not remain in me, he is like a branch that is thrown away and withers; such branches are picked up, thrown into the fire and burned. 7If you remain in me and my words remain in you, ask whatever you wish, and it will be given you. 8This is to my Father's glory, that you bear much fruit, showing yourselves to be my disciples.

Universalism is not alone in this, but it makes room for salvation by works, by saying that all man needs to do is determine for themselves, under the persuasion of God that Jesus is the Lord, and then no matter whether they are of their father the devil, or a goat, or a weed, they will become a child of God, a sheep, or a wheat stalk.

They credit their willpower to believe something as the genesis of new life and because they have done it, then everyone else can to, as long as they respond as openly as they have. Universalists think that there is something great about themselves that they have sorted it all out before others, and now are trying to convince others of the what they have mentally ascended to in their minds.

Read this quote from Gospel For Today ministry:
This gospel is practical because it works (1 Thes. 2:13; Col. 1:3-6). There is something inherently powerful about hearing and, most importantly, believing this remarkable message of hope and peace. No ten-step method, no recommitment to do better, no formula for spiritual success will ever produce the lasting, deeply-rooted changes in a man’s attitude and behavior like simply believing the gospel that proclaims Jesus is the Savior of the World (1 John 4:14).

Practical because it works?
Just simply believe that Jesus is the Savior of the World?
Jesus is the Lamb of God that took away the sins of the world, and savior of the elect.
They show that it is only up to you using your willpower to choose to believe and then you get "in." Nothing about God's choice.

Gospel For Today Ministries’ primary goal is to help establish you in the faith, to convince you through correct study of the Scriptures that you are now and forever more a righteous saint.

Are they not like every legalistic denomination in this ambition to convince your mind of the rightness of their doctrine, and that the mental ascent to dogma is the salvation of your soul?

Could it be that God is not so careless with anyone soul, then to put it in the hands of men to convince that soul?

Could it be that God loves man enough to take it upon Himself through the Counselor to convict the world of sin, because they do not believe on the One Whom He has sent?

Could it be that there is nothing contrary to God's plan that many are on the wide road to destruction.

John 3
13No one has ever gone into heaven except the one who came from heaven—the Son of Man. ...
18Whoever believes in him is not condemned, but whoever does not believe stands condemned already because he has not believed in the name of God's one and only Son.[a] 19This is the verdict: Light has come into the world, but men loved darkness instead of light because their deeds were evil. 20Everyone who does evil hates the light, and will not come into the light for fear that his deeds will be exposed. 21But whoever lives by the truth comes into the light, so that it may be seen plainly that what he has done has been done through God."

Do we take credit that we are fashioned to live by the truth and come into the light?

I credit the Creator, who chose me to be as one so willing to live by the truth and come into the light ... among all the others who love the darkness and hate the light.

Can a wood frog gloat that it sprung to life after being frozen solid? Should it brag, as if it caused itself to arise and live? Should it assume that what is true for them, when they did it can be true for every type of frog?

Universalists, are not crediting the Creator for this difference, but thier own work - their work to willfully make thier mind agree to dogma.

I'm singling out Universalists, but that same point would apply to nearly every mainstream theological system.

For more on this read: Universalism - How man can redeem God.

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My beloved daughter, I have both redeemed and forgiven you by Him I sent to suffer and die for you. It is only your rejection of that Truth that leads you into temptation. ~ God [Letters from God and His Christ - Volume Volume 4 ~ One...]

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