Post details: The 23rd Psalm - LawHead Version


Permalink 11:52:54 am, Categories: By Trent, GraceHead grinning
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The 23rd Psalm - LawHead Version

Religion is my shepherd: I shall sin no more.
It alloweth me to lie to myself in flattering ways;
It leadeth me to water down the law.
It represseth my wickedness;
It leadeth me to a righteous exterior for my name's sake.
Yea, though I walk among the sinners in the temple,
I am glad I am not like them;
My piety and fig leaves, they conceal me.
I preparest my award acceptance speech for distinction from my peers;
My head no longer fits through the door;
My cup is outwardly cleansed.
Surely reputation and excellence shall follow me all of the days of my life:
and I will rule at the right hand of Jesus forever.


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I serve , the Lord.

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Hint: the version of the name is the English version, not the Hebrew way to say His name. All letters are uppercase. Rhymes with "freeze us."


Servants, stand up! says the Lord of Hosts. Stand up for Me, and I, even I, shall feed you with knowledge and understanding...the Word of God as your drink, and the knowledge of the Lord as your shall sing and you shall stand up, you shall shout with a new voice in the face of adversity. And in that very same day, you shall be gone, you shall surely be taken and be found no more in the earth...eternal joy and all tears wiped away in the presence of the Lord, your Redeemer, is your reward, and it shall never again depart from you, says the Lord. [Jesus speaking] (Servants, in Christ, Stand Up and Blow the Trumpet! - Letters from God and His Christ - Volume 6)

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