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English (US)   Meet For the Master’s Use.  -  Categories: bulk podcast  -  @ 11:25:39 am

Letters from God and His Christ; Volume 6.

8/9/09, From Yah hoo Shua Ha mah she awk, Jesus The Christ, Our Lord and Savior. A Letter Given to Timothy, For Christopher, and For All Those Who Have Ears to Hear.

Christopher, listen to your brother, for he speaks for Me. And of My voice in you: Discern the fruit thereof, and that which is of Me shall be brought to the forefront, and that which is not of Me shall be consumed and destroyed, and that which is brought forth from your own heart shall fade and give way to My voice in you. This shall be as a progression, which moves quickly toward its fulfillment, according to My will. It is all in all a matter of trust and that new heart which is, even now, being reformed for My purpose. You are trying and not letting, considering and not trusting, reaching out the hand to grasp and not accepting; You must surrender all. And even of this I will cause in you.

Forsake everything and want for nothing,
Make ME the centerpiece,
Become a slave to righteousness;
And I will show you My glory, in where freedom comes by service;
Not as pleasing men, but as one who livs unto God;
Separated for My purpose, even from your “old man”, which is alive still;

Set apart.

Patience, My son;
Patience in love, with all trust;
Wanting for nothing;
And that which is required shall come.

Spend time in My Word;
Both in the Scriptures of Truth and in the Volumes, (Letters),
Which are of the same.

My peace I give to you, it shall overflow;
Yea, even of My life, it is poured out.

Partake of it;
Eat of My flesh, drink of My blood,
And we shall become one;

My son;

Flesh of My flesh, blood of My blood;

Father and son;

The created returned, and renewed in his Creator;

My shining vessel emptied, and filled;

Meet for the Master’s use;

To the glory of The Father in Heaven. Ah men.


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