Post details: GraceHeads and LawHeads


Permalink 08:06:05 pm, Categories: Background, GraceHead teaching, By Trent, 5793 words   English (US)

GraceHeads and LawHeads

GraceHead vs. LawHead 2 (God's Work?)

LawHead teaching emphasizes the list of tasks that man must do to secure God, while GraceHead teaching emphasizes what God is doing to secure us.

At a pastor convention the guest speaker asked hundreds of pastors this question: "What can a Christian do to grow closer to God and secure a vibrant godly family life and witness?" The hands went up like rockets - church attendance, devotions with family, read the Bible, pray, evangelize, and the list went on and on ... But the next question did not get a single response in all three groups of pastors. Not a single minister could muster a response to this question: "Now, what does GOD do to grow us, and secure a vibrant family life, and testimony to the world? What are some of the things that GOD is involved in?" Well, you could have tasted the collective confusion.

What does that tell me about that group of pastors? Well, I think that they are involved in LawHead discipleship ... and their teaching will be like trying to cut down a tree with an axe handle but no metal blade ... it is wood upon wood, and no edge to cut through problems.

The Spirit does all the work, and the metal cutting edge is Christ ... we don't swing wood upon wood. We are not going to say that we have a God and live like we don't.

Everyone hears that Christianity is said to be different then all the world religions because it tells the story of God reaching down to men, rather then man reaching up to God. If that is true, then why could the ministers not go on and on about what God is doing to promote our life and godliness?

It is good to know that whatever I am doing to grow, is being met with God's work and that is administered 100 times my pathetic attempts.

Next page is about "polishing the image." (Probably the most important thing to understand about the difference.)
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