Post details: GraceHeads and LawHeads


Permalink 08:06:05 pm, Categories: Background, GraceHead teaching, By Trent, 5793 words   English (US)

GraceHeads and LawHeads

GraceHead vs. LawHead - 15 (the quick fix)

LawHead teaching will emphasize the immediate fix. "If you just follow these steps then you will make a quantum leap in growth." Haven't we read the "how to" books, gone to the seminars, listened to the tapes and still are left in our same condition?

But, GraceHead teaching will emphasize a moment by moment abiding. The only fix that is immediate and that is one time, is abiding in Christ. As we abide in Christ we are not undone, but Christ overcomes. And as we abide longer, we overcome more, but one moment drawing on our own resources and we are just as weak as we have ever been.

You might even look at this as toadstool vs. oak. The landscape can change overnight, but only by growing mushrooms, not oaks. But when the sun beats down, the mushrooms can't take the heat, and what changed everything overnight will wilt and disappear. Toadstool has very little value in the long term.

GraceHead teaching emphasized the oak. I want you to be firmly rooted, and able to grow little by little to your full potential. I want you to have lasting impact by growing steadily over time.

Next we talk about the "unspectacular"
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