Post details: I Don't Agree (with myself)


Permalink 10:30:42 am, Categories: GraceHead teaching, By Trent, 344 words   English (US)

I Don't Agree (with myself)

by Trent - from Aug 2005

There are many parts of me, but they don't agree with each other.

Haven't you ever been doing something that you know you shouldn't and it is like you are standing outside yourself watching it occur? Have you ever been feeling something you know is wrong? Have you ever been thinking something you know that you don't want to think about?

Now God tells me to love Him with all of my being ... heart, mind, soul, strength. In essence, God is saying to be like Him and be in perfect peace together with oneness in my whole being, and this is the highest calling for us. Well that sounds good to be in perfect oneness and peace within myself, but the problem is that I have many parts, but I am not one. God, on the other hand, IS manifold unity.

He is always in perfect peace. Can't you see why God says, "let us make man in our image" with the plural usage ... because whatever God does is done with divine agreement with His whole being ... He is never divided in any way. God's intellect agrees with God's wisdom, which agrees with God's justice, which agrees with God's love, etc. etc.

God tells me to invite His Spirit into my life. That is a scary thing to invite a Spirit into your life, so wouldn't it be nice to know what manner of Spirit I am inviting in? And wouldn't you wonder if this would divide you in chaos, or bring peace?

Well, I thought that I would mention that I have experienced perfect peace as a result of the Spirit of God. As I abide in Him and keep centered on the Lord Jesus, then I don't know how, but peace seems to be in reach. Now, I know something is wrong when the peace is gone.

Isaiah 26 (The Message)
3People with their minds set on You,
You keep completely whole, ...

Isaiah 26 (NAS)
3"The steadfast of mind You will keep in perfect peace,
Because he trusts in You."

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