Post details: The Power Of Trust


Permalink 01:15:51 pm, Categories: By Pam, 946 words   English (US)

The Power Of Trust

Before God my Father, I am but a child, even though, I am fifty years old. As a child, I run and play in the constant presence of my watchful Father and since I am a child, I do not always recognize danger and in the joyfulness of my play, I am not mindful of it. I often am distracted and run to that which I should not. I am also prone to mischief and give myself over to actions without thought of their consequences. Yet, my Father loves me, having even safely enveloped me in Love, in Himself; and when I run astray, He is faithful to bring me back to Him, to admonish me as He protects me. He allows the consequences of my mischievous acts while also forgiving me of them that I might learn of Him and grow up to be like Him. By this ever- present, attentive, loving care, I have learned to trust my Father as I trust no other. This trust does not come from me but has been patiently built into me by the constant love and discipline of my Heavenly Father. I love my Daddy.

How do I know that God is watching over me? I know because He continually reveals Himself to me, daily as I grow in His Love and Nurture.

I look to the mountains and see His mighty Creative Power. I gaze upon His deep canyons and know that He is able to set boundaries that no man is able to cross by his own might. I see the desert and glimpse the vastness of Eternity, that space outside of time that belongs only to the Self-existent One. I hear the birds sing their songs of praise to Him and each bird sings only the song that He has placed within them to sing. I too am a part of this magnificent work of God for I have been created in His very image, created to be a reflection of He Who is Spirit in the natural and physical world. As long as His breath fills my lungs, I will remain in this house made of clay and when He removes that breath from me and takes it back to Himself, this clay house will crumble as all that is living crumbles apart from the Breath of the Living God.

I look to the Law, and the Prophets, and the Gospels and Learn of the Goodness of God and the sinfulness of the hearts of men and the sinfulness of my own heart. I see the history of God's people as they have struggled in rebellion against Him and I see the patient waiting of a Father desiring the return to Him of those same children. I see the long suffering of God as He patiently endures the insolence of those He has created to be a reflection of Himself that desire only to usurp Him rather than to serve Him, children enamored by their own face in the mirror. I read the Written Revelation and know the foolishness of man and indeed, my own foolish mockery of Him when I think myself worthy of supplanting my own will in place of the Will of God. The Law reveals to me God's goodness and my sinfulness. The Prophets show me the outcome of that sin lived out. The Gospels teach me of Jesus, the sacrifice that God has provided to return His rebellious children, of whom I am one, to Himself and to right thinking. These Words of God that are the seeds of faith in Jesus Christ planted in me; faith in Words the size of a mustard seed that grow to be the very Kingdom of God, making also of me a good and obedient citizen. Written Words that become the Living Word in me.

God has revealed Himself to me through nature and through His written Word that He might more fully reveal Himself to me and in me through the Revelation of His only begotten Son Jesus, the Son of God and the Son of Man. In Christ, as I have been placed in Him by the drawing of the Holy Spirit, under the direction of the Father, I too have become a son of God and a son of man. Jesus the Son of God, the only One to see the face of God, reveals the Father fully to those who are called out in His name, the holy Name, Jesus, more rightly in the Hebrew tongue, Yeshua, the only name given by God for men to call upon and be saved. To understand Who Jesus is, our Saviour, our Friend, is the beginning of that deeper Revelation that brings us into intimate relationship with the Creator, The Living God, The God of all Living, The Provider, The Self-existent One, He Who is Mighty to Save; and the full Revelation of Jesus is to be fully redeemed, fully freed from our sin. As we become well-trained, adult children who lovingly reflect God, Whom we have come to know as, Father and intimately as, Daddy.

God's revelation is constant and surrounds me and fills me. There is no worry in the midst of the surety of this constant, ever-present reminder of Him; not even in the fiercest storm, not even in the face of the greatest evil. In Christ Jesus our trust is made sure.

Oh child of God, Rejoice!

Psalm 125: 1-2 Those who trust in the LORD are like Mount Zion. They will always be secure. They will last forever. Like the mountains around Jerusalem, the LORD is all around his people both now and forever.

NIV Reader's Version

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Comment from: jxgtqslb [Visitor] ·
pfhtsccs uotypnww fmqwkyvg nuieykcl [URL=]dvlxsdls[/URL]
Permalink 09/26/07 @ 22:42
Comment from: lenbenhear [Member] ·
Who/what is this? that is spamming the blog? You or Trent might want to look into it. I already deleted two from my latest entry. ... I think, likely, it is a Delphi-troll.

Great message on trusting and growing, Pam. thanks for sharing that.

Permalink 09/27/07 @ 03:49
Comment from: Pam [Visitor]

I don't know who it is, Len. It just happens.

Thanks for the support.:0)

Permalink 09/27/07 @ 15:53

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