Post details: Loosing your salvation ...


Permalink 04:58:29 pm, Categories: GraceHead teaching, By Trent, 331 words   English (US)

Loosing your salvation ...

by Trent

Circumcision is a cutting away and removing ... and like salvation is a one-way trip. You can't reverse a circumcision. Once it is done, it is done. In fact, it is impossible to reverse that. Circumcision is permanent, just like salvation. Paul is not being careless when He compares salvation to circumcision:

Colossians 2:13
When you were dead in your transgressions and the uncircumcision of your flesh, He made you alive together with Him, having forgiven us all our transgressions,

The old is gone, and I have become new. So has every Christian, whether or not they understand it.

Our lives are hidden in Christ. (Colossians 3:3) ... We are given the Holy Spirit that dwells within us (Romans 8:9.) We belong to God (John 8:47, Romans 14:8) ... this too is a one-way ... NON-reversible process. Our quickening by the Spirit is permanent and irrevocable.

2 Corinthians 5:17
Therefore if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creature; the old things passed away; behold, new things have come.

A sheep that is under the care of the Good Shepherd is in good hands. It is folly to think that the Shepherd that guards our souls is careless or some fly-by-night hired-hand that is lacking about tending the flock He is given. We shouldn't flatter ourselves as sheep that are capable of overcoming the Shepherd with our rebellion. By this, I mean it is possible that we will often act like goats and go our own way, but it is not possible for the Good Shepherd to fall asleep on the job or knuckle under to our waywardness. It is written that when we are faithless, He remains faithful. (2 Timothy 2:13.)

2 Timothy 1:12b
I know whom I have believed, and am convinced that He is able to guard what I have entrusted to Him for that day.

My confidence is in the Shepherd's ability to keep me, not in my ability to stay. And with this confidence, I know that it is impossible for any Christian to loose their salvation.

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Comment from: budz [Member]
I can say I prefer the circumcision that is NOT done by the hands of men, but by the Spirit.

At the time and community which I was born into, I received circumcision as a Gentile baby as a "health issue." But because of the legalism which permiated that area, I can't quite shake the thought of the ultra-legalists strong-arming the doctors. (Oops! Maybe this is TMI. You may forget I said this.)

Thanks again for the stand.


PS - Your title should read "Losing" instead of "Loosing". "Loosing" is what those who are demon-binding are into.
Permalink 02/22/06 @ 17:21
Comment from: Christopher [Visitor]
Have you seen the picture of Jesus as the Good Shepherd carrying the sheep around his neck?

When sheep whould go astray the shepherd would break one of the sheeps legs and keep the sheep with him so that the sheep would bond to him and it had to rely on the shepherd to feed and care for it

This should give us a pause when we go astray.

Permalink 02/22/06 @ 18:33
Comment from: Trevor [Visitor] ·
I had actually never thought about it this way - and it gives me comfort to read these words and reflect on them - testing them against what the Spirit has shown me and what God has made known to me about Himself. It's funny how easy it seems - that it does not rely on our faith or ability to stand strong, but on the limitless love of our Father and His infinite strength to bind us to Himself. Thank God for God...for if it was up to me, only failure would abound.
Permalink 02/22/06 @ 22:03
Comment from: linkadge [Visitor]
Sorry I am a Christian but I think physical circumcision is foolish, why not just cut off your eyelids too. Surely they serve no purpose but to protect the sensitive eyes? If God wanted us that way he would have made us that way.

Permalink 03/30/06 @ 23:41

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