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Permalink 11:29:24 am, Categories: GraceHead teaching, By Trent
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"I Was Just Thinking About You The Whole Time"

by Trent. From: 12/20/2009
I went to the local tavern and picked up a gal. We went home and made out. My wife walked in on us and seemed upset. I calmly walked over to her with a smile that begged her approval. "Great to see you" I said with confidence, "I'm glad you saw how passionately I was kissing this other gal, because once you know how I was thinking of you the whole time, your going to be so impressed of that expression of love toward you ..."

OK, that sounds absurd, doesn't it? How could anyone be that stupid to think that the wife would be pleased at all if her husband was getting it on with a harlot while thinking about her the whole time?

Doesn't that even make it more disturbing that he was thinking about her?

Here is the sad thing: I've been that stupid. It would be bad enough if I had been that stupid with my wife, but that is not what I'm talking about. I've been that stupid with God.

It is written that redeemed saints are the bride of Christ. I'm married to Him, and so are you if you are a believer.

While I am in the world I went and got seduced by the December 25th holiday and other pagan festivals. It wasn't long before I was passionately enthralled in these things. God could see me do this, and I just confidently explained to God that "I was thinking of Him the whole time." No. That's not how I said it. It was more like, "Jesus is the reason for the season" or "Lets keep Christ in Christmas." But the bottom line is that I was acting a harlot and sleeping around on Him, while trying to justify my adultery by saying I was thinking of Him as I did it.

Yeah, I'm that stupid.

I'm sorry. I've blown it. I've repented. I ain't sleeping around any more. No more justifying it. I don't want to do that anymore to the God that I love. I love Him because He first loved me.

He has proven it to me. As often as I blow it, He is there to forgive me and pick me up from all my stumbling. He welcomes me back into a pure relationship even though I have played the harlot over and over. And I'm getting so convinced that He'll forgive and love me that I don't care to wander as much as I have in the past. All that leads to regret, and there is no regret in His arms for He fulfills every longing of my heart.

This world has altogether become a house of harlots, who continually go out to commit fornication with the unclean and revel in their adulteries against God, altogether forsaking Him who I sent to them so they may turn away from their ways and become completely clean...none of these have harkened. They remain shackled to this world and its fornications of sin, intermingling honor with dishonor, praise with blasphemy, and sin with purity. Woe! My children, you have all fallen into the snare of the devil. Can you not see, My children? Open your eyes and read the writing set forth in stone, written by the hand of God, the everlasting Law etched with burning fire, blazing as a torch so you may not stumble in the darkness which surrounds you...

I shall speak plainly, so those slow to understanding may hear, though their ears are dull and their eyes are dim.

These modern holidays, Christmas, Easter and Halloween, are abomination in the eyes of the Lord God Almighty. I shall destroy them and wipe them from the face of the whole earth! No more shall you break My commands, and revel in sin, in the Sons name. My countenance is turned against you! says the Lord of Hosts.

~ READ the Whole Letter Here-->

HERE is a study on modern holidays.
HERE is something I recently posted about scripture vs. Christmas.
HERE is one more thing that I recently wrote concerning the pagan roots of Christmas.


What of the wicked and the heathen? Shall they be equal to the redeemed? No, they shall be cast out and burned with fire, unless they come to repentance before the One True God, in the Sons name. ~ God [Letters from God and His Christ - Volume 2 - Let the Lord Lead, You Only Need Follow...Let Go of Your Pride]

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