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Permalink 01:40:16 am, Categories: GraceHead teaching, By Trent
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The Way (Jesus) is NOT the answer.

by Trent - originally posted October 2005

Jesus is NOT the answer. I don't care how many bumper-stickers say otherwise.
Jesus IS the WAY. Let me explain the difference.

For the sake of discussion, I asked my sister-in-law (who is from Spain) to translate a sentence for me from English into Spanish. Here is her answer: "Spanish spanish spanish-spanish, spanish spanish spanish spanish spanish spanish."

She made spanish into the ANSWER of her translation, instead of the WAY of her translation.

(again for the sake of discussion) I asked a friend mathematician to handle these three problems. Here is his answer: "3X2 = mathematics ... 5 / 4 = mathematics ... 185 - 667 = mathematics."

He was about as helpful as my sister-in-law, don't you think? See the chaos that can happen when someone mistakes the WAY for the ANSWER?

In the first case Spanish was the WAY she was supposed to derive the answer, and in the second example mathematics is the WAY that he was going to handle the questions ... but they inserted the WAY AS the answer.

This is absurd, no? And it is just as absurd to say that Jesus is the ANSWER, when He is the WAY.

The ANSWER always is concerned with "what" ... but it is a far greater thing to know the WAY, because every WAY is concerned with "HOW." If you know HOW, or then you have hope no matter what unforeseen thing comes against you.

Jesus is the HOW mathto handle the unforeseen things.

Just think about knowing HOW to speak Spanish opens up infinite ways to communicate something. Just think about knowing HOW to use mathematics can make limitless questions (not just the ones that you have memorized) answerable. Jesus, likewise, is the WAY, and we thus know HOW to live.

Creation's ultimate purpose is to glorify God. Jesus is the WAY.for me, a part of the creation, to glorify God. Without the WAY, then I am doomed to fall short of the glory of God. I cannot glorify God on my own, apart from Him I can do absolutely NOTHING, but continue in slavery to sin.

The WAY is Jesus. He is HOW.

I may never know what I should have done in the past, but I know HOW I should have done it ... The Way, before, was Jesus. I should have exchanged my inabilities for His ability.

I may never know what I should do tomorrow, but when I get there ... the highest calling for me is that Jesus be the WAY, the actual HOW, it gets done ... not by my might, nor by my power, but by His Spirit, the Spirit of the Lord Jesus.

And as for right NOW, I won't know the answer for what I should do to glorify God, but if I find the WAY, Jesus, then He will supply the answer, even in this very moment.

To every thing that we are so strong as to come up with the answer, we consider that Jesus is irrelevant. We say that we can handle this one, and we call on Him later, if we need Him. Why? We skip the Way. Thus, the answer that we come up with on our own is a guess in the dark. Clearly we have lost our way, without Jesus. And without Jesus, we only think that we know the answer, but we don't.

So, I say that for as many things that I think that I know HOW to handle, it is exactly those things of which I have yet to repent. Why? Because Jesus is the WAY ... He deals with HOW. And by His Spirit, all things are possible.

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Comment from: Len [Visitor]

 Excellent point. and we need to keep it in mind at all times: THE PERSON and Spirit of Yeshua is THE WAY ... and in more ways than one ! Depending on Him to do it: and just plain die to my own, old ways. - THERE is victory and peace.

 Great articles, Trent !

Permalink 10/28/05 @ 05:51
Comment from: Kim [Visitor] ·
Hey Brothers,
I read a lot of Christian blogs but yours has really gotten my attention. After you posted a comment on mine I came to read what you wrote here and now I'm definitely subscribing. Thank you, because you've opened a whole other level to our God for me and a much deeper reality. Awesome post btw!

Permalink 10/29/05 @ 14:10
Comment from: Trent [Member] ·

Thank you sister, for the kind regards.
I'm new to the blog thing, but I'm always on the prowel for people that agree. Not agreement in what we believe, because that isn't possible. I am looking for agreement in Whom we trust ... And finding more and more of it everyday! Thank the Lord Jesus!
Come by often, and always let Jesus come out and play!

Ripening for the harvest,
Permalink 10/31/05 @ 17:25
Comment from: Mrs Zeke [Visitor] ·
I had to smile at this because I find when I think I am going crazy with all that is going on and all I need to do or as it seems all that is in front of me it is a very good place to be. When I think I am nuts it takes away my option of me cause of course I am nuts.

One of the hardest lessons I am still learning is not everything that crosses my path is really for me to do. Sometimes God is just letting it pass and in those times when I try to do something I will always fail because God is not in front of me guiding me.

knowing the difference sure takes practice at least for me.
Be loved brother you are
Permalink 03/18/08 @ 11:26
Comment from: Timothy [Member] ·
Permalink 06/10/09 @ 08:34

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