Post details: A truth, The Truth, untruth


Permalink 08:26:26 am, Categories: GraceHead teaching, By Trent
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A truth, The Truth, untruth

Whenever a truth, is THE Truth, it is an untruth.

When I get ahold of the Way, then He leads me to all the answers. Jesus is the Way, and every other way, isn't the Way.

I don't have all the answers. Infact, I don't believe that Jesus is the answer. Jesus is the way to all the answers.

When you teach mathmatics, you don't teach the answers. Math instructors teach the way to the answers, and once a student has the way, then they won't ever lack an answer.

I'll say alot of things that are just plain wrong, but what did you expect? I am not the answer-man. Those things that I say, that make you want to question everything that I previously said is a wake up call to you that I don't have the Truth in a doctrinally packaged form.

Those wake-up calls in your life are given to keep your eyes on Christ, instead of men.


Comment from: Timothy [Member] ·

Pr 9:10 -
"The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom, And the knowledge of the Holy One is understanding.

"God has ordained One Way and One Way only." ~

"I am the Way, the Truth and the Life. He, who believes in Me, has eternal life...the Father has provided. Still men create religion in vain hopes to reach God. God has sent His only Son to reach men. What need does the Father have of these religions of the world? He has made the world and all in it; He too has separated right from wrong. The Way is before all men, you need only take path, one way. Take many roads, and they will lead you in many different directions...none to salvation, only confusion. If you then not take the Highway of Holiness, then I ask you, what path do you tread? For if God has laid the bricks of the one and only path, and swept it clean in the Son, then all other paths are full of debris and made by the evil one. This is the crooked path, full of much stumbling. Only the Lord can lift up those who have fallen, cleanse those who are unclean, find those who have become lost, guide those who are found, heal those who are sick, and save those who stand near to destruction. Take the Father's hand, for He is strong...all things are possible through Him.

Lift up your head and rejoice...your redemption draws nigh.
Hear the call of the Most High, for it comes from within.
The time has come for the children of God to come home and
sit at the Father's table."

~ Jesus -

Permalink 06/09/09 @ 12:49
Comment from: Terry [Visitor]
Trent, I began a comment with the conviction that I could shed more light on what you posted. I went 'round and 'round til I came to the bottom line and simplicity of what you shared.
Permalink 06/09/09 @ 22:11

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Let all forgiven be rewarded equally to their forgiveness which is equal. Let all evil, that remains evil unrepented, be punished equally to evil's deeds. ~ God [Letters from God and His Christ - Volume 2 ~ God is Sovereign]

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