Post details: Is Jesus God or the Son of God?


Is Jesus God or the Son of God?

Is Jesus God or the Son of God?

God's being must be removed for anything else to exist. So in the beginning we have a formless void. Of what is it void? It is void of Eternity for the creation is temporal (within time.) It is void of infinity also, thus God could form finite - multiple entities within it, while He remained beyond the creation ... as it were "moving on the waters." I give this background, because most people are predisposed to view the cosmos as the substance and God's being as a faint or sortof minimal fill?in?the?blank whatever. But, the deep revelation is that God is the only stable and formidable substance that is unchanged and persistent, and He compressed His being to remove Himself from the realm wherein we are created and live. But, just as it began; it will end. This is for only a season, and the collapse draws ever closer to the "last day."

So, there is a natural gulf between man and God of impossible dimension ... there is no compatibility between finite and infinite. There is no natural way for Eternal and temporal to be intimate ... and thus God is to us - a Consuming Fire.

Man wants to be intimate with the Creator, and He with us, so God sends an umbilical cord to a little box- the ark. And later He sends it to a little room - the Temple's "Holy of Holies." But, that did not really provide any kind of intimacy. Only a priest would get to interface after a ritual of painstaking detail to show just how far below we are to God, and then the priest did not have much to report but we are sure that it was all distorted anyway by the priest's organic intellect. Anyway, this is all leading up to God's intention to send that umbilical cord to Mary's womb. The temple was just an appetizer.

Down the umbilical cord travels the Spirit of God and at the end we find a Man. That man was born in Bethlehem - Jesus Christ - God with us.

So, Jesus (while never being less then God) decided to behave as never more then man. Why? He came here to reconcile the infinite nature of God and the finite nature of the souls of men - to make peace between He and us. But, also because if He chose to behave like God, then that would not teach us anything. We have no hope to behave like God, thus He behaves like man - He prays to the Father, and He receives instruction from the Father to obey, and He even says, "I always do what is pleasing to the Father." Pretty cool, eh?

John 8:23
But he continued, "You are from below; I am from above. You are of this world; I am not of this world.

Now, the Christ is not a creature formed out of the void of the cosmos. He is from above. Jesus is the ONLY Begotton. He descended directly from beyond, from infinity, from eternity ... from the Father. And He reconciles us by offering us that life from beyond - eternal life. But, there is a great price to pay for reconciling our nature with His, and that price is demonstrated at the cross.

Isaiah 53:5
But he was pierced for our transgressions, he was crushed for our iniquities; the punishment that brought us peace was upon him, and by his wounds we are healed.

1 Peter 2:24
He himself bore our sins in his body on the tree, so that we might die to sins and live for righteousness; by his wounds you have been healed.
Not much of a trade: our ungodliness for His Godliness, but the swap was made. and it has brought peace to those that are born from the void, as we now can be born of the Spirit - even the Spirit of God, the same Spirit that animates the Son of God, and that is eternally present beyond the creation with the Father.

It is because Christ is the very substance of the being of God that we can partake of Him to have eternal life. Now, God's umbilical cord, Christ ... has umbilical cords to men, of which I am one of the men that has agreed to have this done unto me. Now I have eternal life, which is the same life that is in Christ as I am attached to Him, and His life is the same life as the Father as He is attached to Him. Pretty cool, eh? ... and I did none of this. Christ did it all. All I had to do is agree to have it done to me.

All anyone has to do is invite, yet not all are willing to do so. (not that "the willing" have anything to boast about.)


Comment from: John Pike [Visitor]
I think this is a very good approach to teaching grace. OK, this particular comment is full of truth. The symbolism is amazing. The teaching is quite accurate. od bless you.
Permalink 03/14/06 @ 10:48

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I ask you to love those who have hurt you; and to love them is to forgive them as I have forgiven them and you. ~ Jesus [Letters from God and His Christ - Volume 6 - Understand Love, Know Forgiveness, Partake of the Whole Fruit of the Spirit and Make It Part of You]

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