Post details: Potential Threat to the Glory of God


Permalink 03:41:49 pm, Categories: GraceHead teaching, By Trent
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Potential Threat to the Glory of God

by Trent (originally posted on 8/20/05)
The funny thing about God's glory is this: "You cannot separate God from His glory." Wherever God is; there is where you will find His glory, and wherever His glory is; there He is. But that is not the whole glory story.

The funny thing about God's glory (where I am concerned) is this: "God will not give His glory to another," and I am an other, so I am a potential threat to the glory of God.

I love banks. I give my money to banks. Now, the bank can do almost anything they want with my money. They can count it, stack it, fold it, store it, sniff it, microwave it, and roll around in it (but that is getting pretty weird,) but there is one thing that I don't want them to do with it. It is unacceptable for them to pocket the money for themselves.

There are times when I am an unacceptable vessel for God's glory. I'm just not "safe" for the glory. There are times when I want it for myself. The real war is not between good and evil. The real war is between the Creator's glory and the creation's glory. Too often, we are like the fallen angels.

We may act like the bank that takes the money.

It is said that Billy Graham has led millions to the Lord. It is said that the Apostle's healed thousands and raised the dead. It is said that Moses lifted up a staff, and the sea parted before him. Now, why am I not a vessel of more of God's glory? I'll tell you the reason. The reason that I am not a vessel for that much glory, is because one reason. On the other side of the Red Sea, someone would have said, "Great job!" And I would have replied, "Thanks." (what I should say is: "Why thank me? Glory to God. I did nothing.)

A bank would do better to return in-full, whatever was given.


Comment from: Judah [Visitor] ·
So true, man, it's the same for me.

Thanks for posting this.

Your last sentence reminds me of something that Tim and the rest of us discussed in the Bible study one morning: the parable of the talents. We're supposed to return more than what was invested in us.

*edit* LOL...I went to type the word verification, "I serve ____, the Lord" and without thinking, typed in my own name. Hahah. Maybe it's a coincidence; maybe it's God telling me to serve Him instead of myself. :-p
Permalink 03/25/09 @ 18:53
Comment from: Pam [Visitor] ·
Well then, buddy, I won't say 'good post', I'll just say 'hi' and that I hope all is well with you.:0)

Permalink 03/26/09 @ 23:26

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All sin is sin and requires forgiveness, which is equal, as is the reward equal, given freely to all who ask. ~ God [Letters from God and His Christ - Volume 2 - Let the Lord Lead, You Only Need Follow...Let Go of Your Pride]

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