Post details: What is my goal - Christ or comfort?


Permalink 02:07:28 pm, Categories: GraceHead teaching, By Trent
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What is my goal - Christ or comfort?

Mike Wells shared two Christmas letters that he got in the mail in the same year. They describe the goals that people choose for themselves, whether that goal is comfort or the revelation of Christ in us:

From one of their friends:
Dear Mike and Betty,
Its been a wonderful year. Tom got the promotion that he always wanted. And we were able to buy our dream-house. Its so difficult to clean seven bathrooms.
Our daughter graduated at the top of the class. Now, she has the pick of any university and won't have to pay.
Our son is just four, but he is reading like he is a six year old. The doctors say that he is a genius.
Its very hot here this summer, so we went to the French Riviera. You should go there some time, too.
Well, thats all the news for now. Isn't God good?

From other friends in Switzerland:
Dear Mike and Betty,
Andre, has lost his job. Unemployment is very high here, and the cupboards is empty.
Our daughter with Down Syndrome was never expected to be able to read. But after the prayers of the saints and years of work, she is reading little words.
As I wrote you this note today, a storm came. The birds were singing after the storm. God spoke to my heart, "After this storm, so will your heart sing."
Isn't God good?

God is good, and He doesn't force upon anyone their own choice. Choose or choose otherwise ... it is up to you. We all choose, and what we choose is fixed by Him.

Some choose comfort.

Some choose that God reveal Himself in us even if it costs our comfort.

We cannot then serve two masters. We love one and hate the other. We cannot serve both God and comfort (mammon.)

Amen. (which means that is exactly the way that I want it.)


Comment from: Mrs Zeke [Visitor]
Right on brother. I think comfort may be one of the most dirty words ever. Not a well earned comfort after times of hard life/work but the comfort that keeps ua from everything honest!

be loved you are
Permalink 12/16/06 @ 12:48
Comment from: Len Hummel [Visitor] ·
May we have the love and the sense and THE TRUST to "let loose of our comfort-zone" when it is needed to do so, ... or surely GOD will shake us loose to "go out" and face the hallenges...and (yes) EVEN THE CROSS. (!)

THE LORD wants us to share in His glory and rewards. ... sometimes, (at least *from our view*) that will seem to be costly. ... but IS IT EVER WORTH IT !

Good word, Trent.

Let's strive to be heroes for Jesus. - there is a race and A PRIZE to be won: not the "prize" of salvation [THAT'S a given Gift], ... but the prize of glory and reward in a life lived well and heroically FOR HIM.

Permalink 12/17/06 @ 06:48
Comment from: señor jefe [Visitor] ·
One of my favorite ministers always says, "God cares more about your character than your comfort".

I think he's right.
Permalink 12/18/06 @ 22:08
Comment from: Pam [Visitor] ·
I can't count the number of times that other Christians have made me feel that if my life were not like the first letter then I must need to get my heart right and I might not even be a Christian! If you were to ask them if they were 'health and wealth' believers, they would say no. However, I think materialism is so much a part of our lives in America that ofter we err by viewing our faith through that lens.

The second letter is more realistic and is also a truer depiction of what it is like to walk with Christ. I'm not saying that God never blesses us with material things, He does but the greater blessings are those that guide and protect us through times of great want and struggle.

It was good to read this again, Trent.

Permalink 02/16/09 @ 23:58
Comment from: Trent [Member] ·
Amen, Pam. It certainly is true, that God may give material things in abundance to those that seek Him, but in my experience ... I, for one, need lack and trouble to keep me dependent and trusting in Him ... and I don't want it any other way. I know you have chosen the same path, beloved sister, and I praise the Lord.

Ripening for the harvest,
Permalink 02/17/09 @ 00:30

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Beloved, why do you ask of your sins and their forgiveness? Do you not know they were forgiven before the foundation of the earth through My Son, the Christ. For He knew you then and knows you yet still. For I have forgiven you, yet you have not. Confess all in your heart, and feel My presence, and My forgiveness will come into you and give you peace. ~ God [Letters from God and His Christ - Volume 1 - Open Your Heart to the Lord, and He Will Give You Rest]

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