Post details: Reconciliation


Permalink 11:54:30 pm, Categories: By Trent
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6/13/05 From Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ - A Letter Given to Timothy, For All Those Who Have Ears to Hear

Timothy, write as I speak to you this day, so the multitude may hear and know. Behold the man who fears he is of no consequence, he has been exalted for the Lord's purpose. And for His purpose shall many wonderful things be done in the sight of men. He is not alone, but a multitude of those called stand with him, and stand before God as he stands, and all act in concert according to the Word of the Lord given them from above.

Thus says the Lord of all creation through His prophets: Come, My peoples...come, My peoples from every land, tribe and nation...come, My peoples, and be gathered from the four corners of the earth. Your Lord and Savior calls you back to Him. Who will be reconciled to the Father and be lifted up? I come hence, in a few short days (years), to steal away all those who belong to Me, who now dwell in the strong man's house. I am the Thief who comes at the hour and day unknown. I am also He who will bind the strong man for one thousand years, so all may be truly free, for this is the reward of all those who fought to overcome the strong man who deceived and tempted them continually. These things were, as it was purposed and allowed by the Father, so His creation may know as He knows, and choose all righteousness in love for, and of, the Father. These things have come to their conclusion...the end is near. I am come and have passed through the door, I no longer wait knocking. The Father has sent Me forth to fulfill all things.

I have entered the house...and filled My chosen with My spirit.
Listen to them! For it is I who speaks.

I must gather the wheat into My barn, and separate and bind the tares together.
Also have I come to gather the wild wheat, the lost wheat,
which is scattered abroad in the wilderness.
Not all tares shall be burned, for I, even I, shall cut them down
and reseed the field with the seed that will be accepted.
Then shall come the second harvest...blessed are they who take part in the first.

I was looking for a good letter about the "rapture" (even though that word is not used in "the Letters") and I found this gem to share with you. I hope you enjoyed it.


Comment from: Charles [Visitor]
Wow--this was exciting to read! "thinking you are a man of no consequence" how often have I thought of that about myself! Even so Lord, gather us all from the four corners of the earth! Amen amen and Glory Hallelujah! Christ the Lord is coming soon!
Permalink 02/11/09 @ 17:34
Comment from: Trent [Member] ·
I like this letter for alot of reasons, like the one you mentioned. I also like the picture of the Thief sneaking around ready to swipe up He beloved. It must be a rush for Him to bring on the harvest that is about to come. I bet He is chomping at the bit ... I know I am!
Praise the Lord!

Permalink 02/11/09 @ 17:38

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It is the strong man that chooses love and forgiveness through sacrifice of himself and his own desires, not following after the ungodly men of this world. His justification is in the Lord and he chooses to follow My very footsteps. ~ Jesus [Letters from God and His Christ - Volume 6 - Keep Not the Company of the Wicked, This is Where All Seeds of Dissension Grow]

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