Post details: Computer solves recipe for the MOST abundant life!


Computer solves recipe for the MOST abundant life!

A network of super-computers completed the longest and most difficult simulation ever performed. The computation was over a trillion times as difficult to complete than any previous computation. Basically, we have discovered the RECIPE for the MOST abundant life for mankind by simulating all possible ways to live.

After 10 years of constant work ... the results were astounding.

The output for maximum enjoyment in life reads like this:

* make God first, and focus on Him
* don't focus on what you make with your hands
* recognize the worthiness of your Creator and Heavenly Father to be worshiped by using His name in no cavalier way, but instead as a sweet blessing
* take 1 day in 7 as a day of rest from caring for yourself, just like God rested
* take special care to honor your parents
* don't slay one another
* don't take things that belong to others
* have truth in speech and attitude
* don't lust for what is not yours
* be poor in spirit
* mourn
* be meek
* hunger and thirst for righteousness
* be merciful
* have a pure in heart
* make peace
* have joy when treated badly
* be the salt and light of the earth
* be devoid of anger
* be prompt to reconciled to your brother
* hold nothing against another
* have a spirit of agreement
* turn the other cheek
* go the second mile
* love enemies
* pray for those that persecute you

It is sad for me that it took so long in my life to recognize and appreciate the treasure of the God's commands ... for in them I now see what exactly the LawKeeper (Christ) intends to fulfill in and through me by the Spirit, just as He fulfilled in His own body 2000 years ago. And what a blessing the fulfillment of these commands has become! Who knew that these commands are a simple recipe to the abundant life and that these commands are given as a means by which we may be fulfilled and blessed as they are performed in us by the divine enabling (grace) through the Spirit.

I suppose that if scientists created a chain of the best computers that could solve any problem ever thrown at them ... and were cooking on the task to simulate any possible way to live in order to discover behaviors for man to prohibit or allow into their life that could maximize man's enjoyment of life ... then the computer would ultimately discover what is already written in the scriptures as commands from the Lord.

Then ... as the computer system overheats we are left with nothing learned beyond what we already know from the Bible.


Comment from: ~NewLifeElite~ [Member]

Psalms 19:7-8
The law of the Lord is perfect, reviving the soul. The statutes of the Lord are trustworthy, making wise the simple. The precepts of the Lord are right, giving joy to the heart.

I feel most complete when I am seeking after Righteousness*...

Jeremiah 29:13
You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart.


Never Thirsty,

P.s. thank you Trent for the email!!! Same Spirit, One Accord...
Permalink 11/21/08 @ 13:07
Comment from: Adrian [Visitor] ·
Thanks for the post. I guess man never learns, huh?
Permalink 12/02/08 @ 15:34

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