Post details: "Deliver us from evil."


Permalink 04:39:38 am, Categories: GraceHead teaching, By Trent
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"Deliver us from evil."

I want to identify a temptation that leads to other temptations. This "parent" temptation is the lure to think we can handle things by our own strength / human power. In short, the temptation to think that "we are strong" leads us into many other sins. The good news is that if we avoid this trap then we can enjoy a life that is free from much stumbling.

So how do we set this straight by making up our minds not to fall for the lure of self-sufficiency and human strength?

I don't know really. I guess it can vary from person to person. However, this is a humbling and disillusionment that ultimately awakens us to our weakness ... a weakness that was by God's own design.

Once awakened we no longer say things like: "I can handle a trip to the bar with that crowd"

Instead we say: "Others may be able to handle beer without getting drunk, but if I am around it I know that I can't handle what others can handle."

We no longer say things like: "I know better but I just accidentally messed up this once."

Once we've repented of the illusion of strength we say this instead: "I didn't "accidentally" anything when I sinned. Rather, that was not a fluke but a manifestation of a completely corrupt and weak flesh. In my flesh is no good thing. I am surprised that I didn't do worse when for I fell out with God before I ever fell into temptation ... and I NEED God for I am too weak and my flesh is too corrupt to go a single moment without Him."

It is a subtle thing that we tend to learn through failures and bitter happenings that reveal our own weakness.

May we each settle it for ourselves .. that today, like every day before and like every day to come ... yes even each moment of this day, I need Jesus. I need Him to guide me and His Spirit to teach me and keep me far from harm.

When we see a baby wander close to a cliff we see immaturity. But an older, more mature person senses the danger and stays away from it ... not wandering near the cliff ... not thinking that they can handle it, nor being ignorant of the danger. So, healthy fear of danger and temptation is present in all of us that the Lord is maturing, so that we don't venture where others go.

Instead, lets pray to the Lord, "Lead us not into temptation. Deliver us from evil."


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For your repentance to Me and love for the Son has caused me to remember your sin no more. It is separated from you as far as the east is from the west. ~ God [Letters from God and His Christ - Volume 1 - A Warning About Falling Back Into Sin and the Ways of Demons]

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