Post details: A systematic attack on Jesus


Permalink 11:55:50 pm, Categories: GraceHead teaching, By Trent
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A systematic attack on Jesus

Satan can and does produce fake fruit and fake gifts of the Spirit. But there is one thing that the devil will not do. Never ever ... he just won't be a part of it ... and that is this: no evil spirit will ever worship / exalt / and promote the Lord Jesus Christ over all. No devil will ever do it. Mark my words: It just won't happen.

As an example, His fake fruits are seen in Buddhists with their "peace and tranquility." Fake gifts are everywhere too, as I hear that you cannot find a witch doctor in Africa that doesn't "speak in tongues." Fruits and gifts are a cakewalk for the enemy to counterfeit. But saying "Jesus is the Lord" is an impossibility for an evil spirit.

What I see in our culture is a pervasive attempt to marginalize the Lord Jesus. I don't see any lifting Him up. Rather, even at churches ... I see bringing Him down or attempts to fracture our interest into other lesser things.

I see the enemy's works when I see the Lord Jesus reduced.
I see satan's schemes of distraction when I see anything promoted that excludes Him.


Comment from: Pam [Visitor] ·
There are many meetings in which those attending say they are gathered in Jesus Name but often in those meetings, the Name of Jesus in never even spoken. Often, people gather in the name of tradition with the purpose of maintaining those traditions in the larger culture. It can turn into a club with the same mantra each week of how great we are in here and how terrible the world is. These are meetings of whited seplicurs filled with dead men's bones.

Only Jesus gives eternal life; bones are bones no matter how pretty the box that contains them.

Permalink 11/02/08 @ 04:14

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Repent not, and rage with fists toward Heaven, you shall be baptized with fire and death, which is in the lake of sulfur. ~ God [Letters from God and His Christ - Volume 2 ~ Baptism by Fire]

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