Post details: BEAUTIFUL: Something for Quiet Time with THE LORD


Permalink 05:28:18 am, Categories: By Len
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BEAUTIFUL: Something for Quiet Time with THE LORD

With all the stress and garbage going on in the world today: Here is a little something to be blest with in your quiet time of 5 or 10 minutes or more...enjoy...




Comment from: annynomous [Visitor]
Do we need modern day prophets?

Mormonism teaches that it is important that they receive continuing revelations from God. In support of this they quote Amos 3:7 that they say proves we need a living prophet today. It says that God will not do anything except through His prophets. Actually, that is true if we remember that this comes from the Old Testament, before the time of Christ. Therefore, we have to go to the New Testament to see what the New Covenant has to say. Hebrews 1:1-2 says that God used to speak through His prophets, but today he speaks through His Son, Jesus Christ. Luke 16:16 says that prophets were until John the Baptist because after him came the Son, Jesus Christ. The result is that we no longer need prophets because we now have Christ. Mormons might say that the New Testament speaks of prophets. That's true, except we have to look at the difference between Hebrew and Greek. The word prophet in Hebrew means one who brings us God's word. In Greek it means one who preaches God's word. That's a big difference.

When God commissions a man to ministry, he trains him in crucifying the self and flesh first so he can be used. There is none of this in the prophetic movement. New converts are promised through prophecy great ministries, flattered by positions of authority, without ever proving their faithfulness. Today we have new Jeremiahs, Josephs, Joshuas, Spirit of Zerubbabel, spirit of Elijah, new apostle Paul’s, and with these new copies of the prophets come new manifestations of the spirit, new demonstrations of power, the New wine of a New truth and with it a new Jesus. We are told by these prophets that before Christ comes, the Manchild, is to be ‘born’ into the earth, god’s glory will manifest in the church, a new messenger, a new corporate group like John the Baptist comes to prepare the way. A company of prophets emerges “in the spirit of Elijah.” Spiritualizing texts and events of Scripture accompany the new revelation whispered in many peoples ears.

Bill Hamon has been very active in promoting the concept of restoring the office of prophet. He holds what he calls “Schools of the Prophets” where people can come and develop their prophetic gift and calling. Hamon carries with him a 5 and inch binder filled with all of the personal prophecies he has received over the last 30 years. (Peter Wagner does the same). Hamon states there are “1500 pages of personal prophesy, actually thousands of people that have prophesied over me, less than one half of one percent was off, or weird or I had to throw out… Less of one half of one percent. And about the only ones I had to throw out was those that came up at some of our conferences to try to straighten me out with “Thus saith the Lord.” And prophesy from their doctrine.
Permalink 10/28/08 @ 00:00
Comment from: lenbenhear [Member] ·
I think almost certainly you are an 'anonymous' poster from Delphi.

Let me answer your question very simply and clearly:

* The five-fold ministry to the Body of Christ REMAINS operative to this very day BY THE HOLY SPIRIT Who has never left the earth OR GOD's people. ... this includes, (of course) *the office and ministry of the prophet. the pastor, the evangelist, the teacher, ... and even the apostolic* (ie/one "sent" to establish churches and oversee ministry)

* NOT ALL 'prophets' or teachers or pastors are sent from GOD.

* We must carefully (NOT judgementally) evaluate what any prophetic utterance means IN RELATION TO the Word of GOD and sound doctrine.

* If there is a clear and unmistakably contradiction to THE WORD OF GOD and the truths of The Gospel, ... then that 'prophet' is to be rejected.

* Does GOD still speak thru certain chosen servants to speak (occasionally) as "Thus saith THE LORD." ? ... He most certainly does. - beware in your zeal for "status quo" that you do not REJECT the voice (and ministry) of the prophets.

Pastor Len Hummel
Clearlight Christian Ministries,
Phx.AZ. Cebu, Philippines
Permalink 10/28/08 @ 02:49
Comment from: LEN SAYS THE WORD "PISS" [Visitor] ·
Permalink 08/09/09 @ 18:36

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Remember the words of your Savior also, you shall forgive your brother even seventy times seven times, as I have forgiven you. ~ God [Letters from God and His Christ - Volume 1 - Stand Firm in the Face of Those Who Would Mock You for My Names Sake]

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