Post details: Today's Christ is Tomorrow's Worms.


Permalink 09:29:03 am, Categories: GraceHead teaching, By Trent
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Today's Christ is Tomorrow's Worms.

Christ must be gathered everyday, even every moment. You can never surplus His supply.

He is the true bread that comes from heaven and like the manna of old ...

Exodus 16
18but when they measured out what they had gathered, those who gathered more had no extra and those who gathered less weren't short--each person had gathered as much as was needed.
19Moses said to them, "Don't leave any of it until morning."
20But they didn't listen to Moses. A few of the men kept back some of it until morning. It got wormy and smelled bad.

Still trying to coast on the Jesus that you gathered before? What does yesterday have to do with your need for Him today?

God needs to love us every year, and every week, and every day, and every hour, and every moment. And likewise, I need Him every moment of every hour of every day of every week of every year.

There is no subtle floating between stages in growth. We are either carnal in this moment (relying upon our own resources) or we are spiritual in each moment - (relying upon God's nourishing supply.) And when that moment is over, we have a new one the next moment.

When I used to fall, I waited for about five months to reunite with God's presence, and would spend that time beating myself up and wallowing in guilt. And after that time, I would return and God accepted me. Then I tried 3 months of away-time. God accepted me. Then I decided that I would go a week or two of penitence before reuniting. Then a week, then a day. God accepted me. Now, I just turn to Him with the very next moment. And did you know that God accepts me, and His acceptance is changing my life. I can't find that acceptance anywhere, so I turn to Him more and more quickly ... more and more often.

Is it any different for you?

God blesses those that draw near to Him every moment, and not merely satisfied with the Jesus that they gathered the moment before.


Comment from: pam [Visitor] ·
That's why Jesus is not religion. Jesus is continuing in the continuing presence of God.:0)His Word is new every morning and it is important to keep a fresh supply because the 'worms' of our flesh have a tendency to distort the truth and can lead to a lot of unnecessary self-flagellation.;-}
Permalink 09/07/08 @ 21:57

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My commandment to you is to love those who have wronged you and forgive them, starting with your own self; and be patient with those whom you have wronged. ~ Jesus [Letters from God and His Christ - Volume 6 - Bear Fruit According to the Spirit of Truth]

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