Post details: My Christian Path


Permalink 03:02:06 am, Categories: GraceHead teaching, By Trent
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My Christian Path

It's time.


It's time for this world to have fewer people running on the treadmill, caring and concerned about what the rest of the world is concerned over.

Leaping and diving to safety and trusting God's love is freedom. Trusting God is freedom from all my anxieties and worries that have plagued me.

Before time was time, God loved me so what makes me think there would ever be a better time than now to experience it for myself? If I wait until I understand it all, what are the chances that this finite mind of mine will ever take the leap into His arms? There will be a time to come when it is all revealed - His judgment and wrath and Mercy Seat in full power and glory, but haven't I already seen enough to prove His love for me?

John 15:13
Greater love has no one than this, that he lay down his life for his friends.

When I remember His love, it comforts me. Sometimes I just need to bathe in it and let it surround me. I am needy for a fresh revelation of God's love and approval, and we are all fortunate that acceptance is given freely through His Son. I am always only a moment away with the thoughts in my mind and the willingness to be open in my heart. I can always live in the bliss of love, grace, and abundant joy - the true fulfillment of the longings that the world cannot fulfill.

He has been assuring me: Jesus has sealed me and my eternal bond with God unbreakable and irrevocably permanent in order to please God's longing for all those that belong to Him.

As I receive His limitless love, things become clear. My path starts to make sense. He has me where I am, and growing as I go. My path is His plan ... and I welcome it as I survey His love.

My path? To lay my burdens down and give them to Him in full trust. To remember His commands as instructions for the ideal life that honors Him and keeps me from doubting His love. To rid my heart from bitterness and unforgiveness as I remember all the things of which I have been forgiven by the Son's sacrifice. He has me see all the things that have driven me towards malice and spite in the past with gratefulness instead. In His love, I see ... even these hardships are part of my path and His plan. The bad things have brought me closer to God as long as I don't go bad with them.

God is with me, and will be with me each step ending with Eternal Life in Him. It isn't a lonely path, nor do I need to take a single step alone. God wants to be part of each and every step.


Comment from: pam [Visitor]
What we know is only important in how it causes us to live. Whatever we learn from the Bible or in life should help us to live better and to love better. If this is not happening then we need to take our knowledge to God for closer examination and if we don't, He is likely to let us go with it until we see the fullness of our error...or that is the way He works with me.

I am happy for you today that you are basking in His love and glory and enjoying your nearness to Him.
Permalink 08/24/08 @ 12:32

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None are forsaken, all are forgiven in the blood of Christ. It is only your rejection of that Truth that keeps you from joy and life. ~ Timothy [Letters from God and His Christ - Volume 3 - All Who Love the Truth Obey and Strive Everyday to Walk in Its Ways]

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