Post details: Is Jesus addressing LawHeads?


Permalink 02:05:48 pm, Categories: By Trent, GraceHead grinning
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Is Jesus addressing LawHeads?

Selected verses from Matthew 23:1-39 in "The Word on the Street" by Rob Lacey.

They sit where Moses sat - so make sure you listen and you do what they say. But don't do what they do! 'Cos they're two-faced; one face spouts great ideas; the other looks for loopholes, sniffs out the vulnerable and barks at them like a rabid dog. They weigh people down with "shoulds" and "musts" and "have tos", but don't risk breaking a precious nail to help them get people standing strong again.

You're looking down the barrel of bad news, you religious leaders and law enforcers. Two-faced actors the lot of you: God opens the door marked "heaven on earth"; you slam it shut in people's faces. OK, maybe you're not interested, but how dare you stop others!

You're washed up, you religious fraudsters, you phoneys... You blind guide dogs! You use sterilized tweezers to fish out the hair from your soup starter, then you chomp into your mad-cow-diseased steak for the main course!

You're down the tubes, you ringers for real religion! You're just HQ (temple) window dressing!

Like I said before, you scrub the bowls and cups so they're sparkling on the outside, but on the inside you leave the bacteria of greed and selfishness to fester.

You're up the creek without a paddle you back-stabbing braggers, you garden-path tour guides! You're like marble-paved graves - all suave on the surface. But 6 feet under? Decomposing bodies giving off stench.

You're in schtuck, you fakes, you con-men, you gazumpers! You put flowers on the graves of the couriers, but you're just like those that came before you - stamping out anyone that threatens the status quo!

You've hell to pay, you snakes, you colony of cobras! You've got a one-way ticket to hell; no stations on the way down. You're the reason God had to send so many couriers - your great-grandads kept lynching them, bumping them off. Your generation is going to take the heat for all the good blood wasted right from the start.

Verses chosen were vss 2-4, 13, 23-25, 27, 29-30, 33-36.


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I forgive you for those things spoken evil of me as I am commanded by Him who has forgiven me in His blood and suffering and also has forgiven you if you so choose to accept that forgiveness. For we are commanded that we forgive every one who sins against us as we are forgiven by Him who all have sinned against. ~ Timothy [Letters from God and His Christ - Volume 3 - The Word of God is Truth...Leading to Life]

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