Post details: References to exposing deceptions of Warren, Schuller, and the New Age


Permalink 09:46:25 am, Categories: By Len
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References to exposing deceptions of Warren, Schuller, and the New Age

Some additional works that have only recently been published on this same subject are:

For Many Shall Come in My Name, by Ray Yungen

The Truth War, by John MacArthur

The Beautiful Side of Evil, by Johanna Michaelsen

Inside the New Age Nightmare, by Randall Baer

Redefining Christianity, by Bob DeWay


More than a Purpose, by Marshall Davis

Here also are a few videos over at youtube that can be very helpful in order to get a clearer perspective on these issues:

Be sure to listen to this one first:

Pastor John MacArthur on the Purpose Driven Life:

Rick Warren - Religious Pluralism - These Bridges Are False! Rick Warren Twisting Scripture (WOTMR) [1of2] 08:59
Rick Warren, New Age And Apostasy 01:35 From: SarahSLH Views: 15,128

BEWARE of the subtle infiltrations and deceptions of the New Age Agenda: it is now more prevalent and “acceptable” than ever before. Remember: Jesus said, “MANY *would come in His name* and deceive MANY.” – that was certainly a righteous and accurate warning.

Len & Lynne Hummel
Clearlight Christian Ministries
* Jeremiah 9:23-26 *


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So repent therefore, because all the dead in Christ and those still living in Christ, will be raised to life at the Last Day, receiving life everlasting. All the rest of the dead, who rejected Him or did not know Him, will also be raised and live at the end of the Millenial Kingdom. In that Day the penitent will receive life everlasting; and the wicked, condemnation forever separated from God. This is the second chance for those who will choose Christ and repent; or the second death for all those who will not accept the Truth nor will they repent of their evil deeds. So yes, fear Him who has given you life, because He can also take it away. ~ Timothy [Letters from God and His Christ - Volume 3 - The Word of God is Truth...Leading to Life]

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