Post details: New Video: WOE TO THE MEGACHURCHES OF MEN! (PART 2) - Thus say The Lord against Todd Bentley & *Joel Osteen and their like.


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New Video: WOE TO THE MEGACHURCHES OF MEN! (PART 2) - Thus say The Lord against Todd Bentley & *Joel Osteen and their like.


So repent therefore, because all the dead in Christ and those still living in Christ, will be raised to life at the Last Day, receiving life everlasting. All the rest of the dead, who rejected Him or did not know Him, will also be raised and live at the end of the Millenial Kingdom. In that Day the penitent will receive life everlasting; and the wicked, condemnation forever separated from God. This is the second chance for those who will choose Christ and repent; or the second death for all those who will not accept the Truth nor will they repent of their evil deeds. So yes, fear Him who has given you life, because He can also take it away. ~ Timothy [Letters from God and His Christ - Volume 3 - The Word of God is Truth...Leading to Life]

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