Post details: I Think I've Been Here Before


Permalink 11:11:24 pm, Categories: By Emily
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I Think I've Been Here Before

The Land of Unforgiveness

Somehow, I am having this feeling....this overwhelming feeling that I've been here before. I recognize the dark shadows, and the barren trees.....this scary "bump in the night, you'd better keep an eye out behind you" kind of place. I've traveled this way many times before, taking roads that I knew for sure would never lead me back to this place. How do I keep ending up in such a dark place? How did I make the wrong turn at Albuquerque?

Somehow I thought this road would lead me to a nice luscious green pasture, and suddenly I find myself standing here yet again. I spin around a few times, and I notice that I am the only one here....never once have I met anyone in this cold dark place. It is lifeless, not a sign of life anywhere.

So, after I take in the harsh truth that I am actually here....I set down my backpack...and I begin to dig through, trying to figure out what exactly it is that I'm doing wrong. I pull out the map, and there, as plain as day, is the road I should have taken. The sign on the map said:

MARK 11:25 "And whenever you stand praying, if you have anything against anyone, forgive him, that your Father in heaven may also forgive you your trespasses."

I Think I've Been Here Before


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Let all forgiven be rewarded equally to their forgiveness which is equal. Let all evil, that remains evil unrepented, be punished equally to evil's deeds. ~ God [Letters from God and His Christ - Volume 2 ~ God is Sovereign]

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