Post details: When a Christian is a GraceHead ...


Permalink 02:04:03 pm, Categories: GraceHead teaching, By Trent
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When a Christian is a GraceHead ...

The difference between a GraceHead Christian and a LawHead Christian is NOT found in whether someone is capable of failure, but in how failure is handled when it happens.

If you stand before God holding Jesus in this bag and your deeds in another, how will you handle defeat? If you fall into sin, does it make you shrink back from God, or run to Him? How do you handle the failure?

The person that shrinks back from God when they fail reveals whether their faith is in their works or it is in Jesus. If bad behavior makes them feel as though they have less standing before God, then how can they say that their faith is in Christ? Are they not LawHeaded?

The GraceHead Christian handles failure differently, and therefore fails less often. Falling into sin for a GraceHead Christian is a catalyst for nearness to God. It causes them to run to Him as the Author and Finisher of their faith. They know that He will complete the work that He began in them, and they run to Him in their defeat. The resultant nearness keeps them from falling further, and in the nearness they know that they have every possible sin latently within them.

Is there anything that nearness to God cannot cure? Is there any reason to shrink away from Him when you fall, if your faith is in Christ alone?

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Comment from: terry fuller [Visitor]
Amen, Trent!
Permalink 05/13/08 @ 19:02

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Behold the Lamb of God! Without spot or blemish sent to die for the sins of the world, bearing the full weight of transgression in His own body. My Son, you are, and will always be, the Risen Lamb of God, whereby you took the leaven of the world, having completely unleavened all men once for all time by your blood, having been the perfect sacrifice for sin, acceptable to God, whereby men have been reconciled to the Father; they themselves becoming once again My sons and daughters free to enter the Garden and My love, which they shall never again be separated; their new life lived in and for Christ Jesus, the Lord and Savior, in whom I am well pleased. ~ God [Letters from God and His Christ - Volume 5 - Unleavened]

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