Post details: Salvation is about destiny, NOT destination


Permalink 04:27:35 am, Categories: GraceHead teaching, By Trent
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Salvation is about destiny, NOT destination

Human power is of no use at all. It has never been of any use, and it will never be of any use at all. Human power is like sin in this sense: it falls short of God's glory.

So it is written, "Not by power, nor by might, but by My Spirit." ... and thus we know what is of use, and what replaces human power - namely the Spirit of God as that which changes the destiny of any man believing upon the Lord ... but notice that I did not say "destination" ... rather I said "destiny." For to be saved (as Romans 10:9 talks about) is not a biblical concept having at all to do with destination. Salvation is a destiny.

Salvation is in the journey, not in the arrival.

For it is written also that "NOW is the day of salvation" (2 Corinthians 6:2) ... and if it is NOW ... then it is not a future destination ... it is a current destiny.

And again the Lord spoke saying: "I have made you a light for the Gentiles, that you may bring salvation to the ends of the earth." (Acts 13:47) ... and if salvation is brought to the EARTH ... then salvation is not merely destined for heaven, rather salvation is the destiny for those on the earth that would accept it.

Furthermore, it is written: "For the grace of God that brings salvation has appeared to all men." (Titus 2:11) ... and if salvation is BROUGHT, then salvation is not given from a distance. ... Salvation and Grace COMES ... and it comes (NOW and to the EARTH) in the person of the Lord Jesus.

If it sounds like I am saying that salvation does not continue to heaven, then let me make it clear that ... yes it does. Salvation is not interrupted by the afterlife ... but the point is that it is NOT biblical to say that salvation is initiated once the afterlife begins. In other words, salvation does not begin in heaven. It begins upon earth. If someone has not partaken of salvation upon the earth, than what are the chances that they will partake of it in heaven?

When the angel appeared to Mary, the instruction went out to call Him "Jesus" for He will save the people from their sins. "Yah Shua," (sounds like Joshua) as He was called in Hebrew is two words: "God" and "saves." ... and so this bring us back around to the first point ... human power is of no use, for it is God who saves ... and in this particular example ... when speaking of the one that will "save us from our sins, " than it is Jesus, Himself as God, that will deliver us from committing sins that we would otherwise commit, and NOT by human effort.

A person that is "saved" in a biblical sense, is no longer dead, but alive RIGHT NOW, by the Spirit, who is of the Lord and is saved (which means delivered) from sins by no power of their own, but by "Yah Shua" - which literally MEANS - God delivering them from sins. Anyone that has no experience that God has delivered them from sin by His Spirit, is not saved, nor have they been saved from anything, no matter what they believe.

The demons believe and shutter.

The "saved" that believe upon Jesus understand the meaning of His name ... which is that He has and continues to deliver them from sins by His imparted and empowering Life ... making the impossible by human power into an ordinary miracle because it is by His Spirit, not by power, nor by might.

This is what Paul is talking about in Romans 10 starting with verse 9.

That if you confess with your mouth, "Jesus is [the] Lord," and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved.
For it is with your heart that you believe and are justified, and it is with your mouth that you confess and are saved.

Notice in the following verse the explanation that salvation has to do with what one does with their body (mouth, for example) ... as exemplified in being delivered from constant sin specifically evidenced in a mouth that speaks what is authentic and true ... and thus ceasing from lies and blasphemy, if even for a moment to utter the words that ONLY the Spirit could cause a man to utter.

no one can say, "Jesus is [the] Lord," except by the Holy Spirit. - (1Co 12:3)

The point is that Romans 10:9 is not talking about salvation as mere mental ascent to orthodox dogma, but it is talking about being doers of the word, not just hearers only ... specifically even the mere fact that someone could say that Jesus is the Lord with their mouth ... then that person (having believed already in their heart) has been saved (at least during the time that their mouth was put to use by the Spirit to confess the Lord Jesus.)

And so, there is a salvation that God intends to impart that MUST (and I mean MUST, in every sense of the word) result in the deliverance from sin by the Spirit for it to be salvation. And if not allowed to manifest in the fruit of the Spirit , then no salvation has taken place, for what has one been saved from if they remain dead in trespass, and a slave to sin?

[God sent and sacrificed Himself in Jesus] in order that the righteous requirements of the law might be fully met in us, who do not live according to the sinful nature but according to the Spirit. (ROMANS 8:4)

In short, walking according to the Spirit results in the fruits of the Spirit (against which there is no law) and the righteous requirements of the law be fully met in us ... for that is what it means to be delivered from sin and that is the reason that God sent Jesus.

Not one saint is sinless ... but that each saint has sinned less ... by the Spirit, and thus they have been saved from their sins by "Yah Shua." "God Saves."


Comment from: terry fuller [Visitor]
Agreed that Romans 10:9 is not talking about salvation as mere mental assent of Orthodox dogma! When we believe with our heart in Jesus as our Lord and Savior, we are justified.

Salvation does not have to do with what we do with our body, but rather it has to do with our faith. We confess what we now know--know by faith because of the Spirit who now abides within us. We experience power over sin and manifest the fruit of the Spirit when we walk by faith in dependency on the work of the Spirit in our lives--our salvation experienced fully!

Permalink 04/23/08 @ 23:06
Comment from: Trent [Member] ·

You said: """When we believe with our heart in Jesus as our Lord and Savior, we are justified."""

Romans 10:9 says : "that if you confess with your mouth Jesus as Lord, and believe in your heart that God raised Him from the dead, you will be saved;"

If I believe you, then I must disbelieve the Bible.

It does not say that when we believe with our heart that Jesus is our Lord and Savior we are justified. It says when we confess with our MOUTH (part of our body) that Jesus is the Lord we are saved.

The Bible uses the word "saved" / "salvation" / "save" / "being saved" etc ... many, many times, but not any time that I can think of that restricts that word to what we get once we enter the afterlife. Not once according to my search, but I welcome your help in finding anything to the contrary.

Imagine being surrounded by your enemies that want to kill you, and you call out to God as your salvation / deliverer. (this is a common scenario in the Bible) ... we know that they are not calling out to God because the salvation that they want is deliverance from hell in the future. It is deliverance from and salvation from the current threat and doom.

I contend that there are fine things that happen within the heart of a believer, all of which is by the Grace of God and each of them is wonderful in their own right ... however, it only become salvation to them when what God works in is eventually worked out in obedience.

Permalink 04/24/08 @ 14:02

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