Post details: Salvation ... the most mis-used term in Christiandom


Permalink 02:55:45 pm, Categories: GraceHead teaching, By Trent
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Salvation ... the most mis-used term in Christiandom

by Trent - from May 2006

If you are a church-goer, or if you have ever been a church-goer ... then you have probably heard that salvation means "getting your sins forgiven" and that salvation means "going to be with God in heaven after you die" and that salvation means "not being tormented in hell for your misdeeds" and that salvation is "a gift from God that Jesus accomplished by death upon the cross."

Has Christian sub-culture given you that kind of "salvation?"

That is what I have heard along the way ... but there is just one problem with that: Salvation is a term that has a specific meaning, but it isn't associated with what Jesus accomplished by death upon a cross. Salvation is NOT getting your sins forgiven. Nor is salvation really about your ability to goto heaven after you die. And salvation is not really about skipping out on misery in hell.

You are welcome to correct me on this, if I have erred. But I am confident that what you will find in scripture about salvation is the exact same thing that is echoing in my heart, and the main thing that this blog is devoted to: Salvation is the exchange (that is never forced upon anyone) given freely as we abide ... an exchange of me and my resources trying to live, for EXACTLY Jesus, right now, alive and living in me!!

Salvation is the Life of Jesus, now ... not something "in the sweet by and by" after you die, with snow-cones in the sky.

2 Corinthians 6:2
... now is the time of God's favor, now is the day of salvation.

Salvation is the Life of Jesus HERE on earth, no waiting to get to heaven or avoid getting to hell. We are talking about the earthly sojourn while still in your ape-suit.

Acts 13:47
For this is what the Lord has commanded us: 'I have made you a light for the Gentiles, that you may bring salvation to the ends of the earth.'

Salvation is the Life of Jesus ADDING a POSITIVE righteousness in what is done, not just expunging some misdeed by getting rid of it or forgiving it. The universal reconciliation by the forgiveness of unrighteousness is a frequent topic in the Bible, but SALVATION is not a taking away of anything, it is a fresh new additional influx of Life from above invading our humanity and providing miraculous victory and fruits of the Spirit that we bear (not produce.)

Romans 1:16
I am not ashamed of the gospel, because it is the power of God for the salvation of everyone who believes: ...

By the Life of Jesus, not His death (though attonment was needed to make salvation possible) I want to share in the rescue from my current hell, not some afterlife hell.

Romans 5:10
For if, when we were God's enemies, we were reconciled to him through the death of his Son, how much more, having been reconciled, shall we be saved through his life!

Salvation is brought to us while alive, not us brought to salvation after we die.

Titus 2:11
For the grace of God that brings salvation has appeared to all men.

Are you open to the idea that "salvation" is a far more wonderful idea then is presented by popular Christian-culture?

As Jim Fowler puts it this way HERE: "Salvation is not an entity, a commodity, a "package", a spiritual "goody"; Salvation is not a heavenly entrance pass, a ticket to heaven, an eternal life package. Salvation is not a "possession in my pocket'. ... Salvation is the dynamic functioning of the Person of Jesus Christ within us, the restorative activity of the Savior."

I'm obessed with salvation ... talking about it, and celebrating it. Will you join me in this fellowship, celebrating the Divinity of the Lord Jesus invading the humanity of our lives through His saving Life as we abide in Him?


Comment from: Pam [Member]
From the moment we believe, we are consumed with understanding what occurred in that first moment. My whole Christian life is wrapped around that moment and my understanding of it that expands and expands as I grow in Christ.

Yep, I'm obssessed too.

I think we develop those Christian sayings that really aren't Biblical because we are searching for common experience in trying to understand that moment. When they are fresh, they're great for that purpose but when they've been passed around for a few decades, they take on traditional meaning that misses the point. Yes, we do have forgiveness as in a leagal waiver of the death penalty and if the death penalty is waived what do we get in its place? Life! In the case of salvation, eternal life.

People also confuse fruits with good works and that is very off. Good fruits are of the Spirit never of us. Good fruit is evidence of Christ living in us.


Permalink 05/24/06 @ 01:45
Comment from: Trent [Member] ·

You have it ... and AS we bear (not produce) good fruit by the expansion of that initial deposit of life, that is what salvation really is. Saved from sins, is the rescue from ever participating in them, and that delivers us from our daily hell.

One would be hardpressed to make a biblical case for a salvation that is future-only, or forgiveness-only ... so I won't join the cultural chorus.

If someone is a slave to sin, and Jesus Christ has never been allowed to come out and play through them ... what on earth have they been saved FROM?!?!

Permalink 05/24/06 @ 09:45
Comment from: Rich [Visitor] ·
Yes! The Kingdom of God is among us.
Hey I love the Bob Dylan cover of Saved.
It's his 65th Birthday you know.
Permalink 05/24/06 @ 12:22
Comment from: Trent [Member] ·
I just noticed your blog about Dylan's birthday ... that is serendipitous (spelling?) ... I was wondering if anybody would comment about the Dylan album art, but I never knew it was his birf-day!

Permalink 05/24/06 @ 13:03
Comment from: Rich [Visitor] ·

Bob Dylan is my favorite songwriter of all time. Next to him of course is Lennon and Paul McCartney and Bono of U2
Permalink 05/24/06 @ 14:21
Comment from: Mrs Zeke [Visitor] ·
Yep yep it is Salvation every single breath I take.
I have now, my salvation is now that is the only thing in my control. Tomorrow only God knows and the afterlife is within the Book of Life which is held by the God that gave us Salvation to celebrate not wait for death to receive.

I was reading this this morning

ECC 6:2 God gives a man wealth, possessions and honor, so that he lacks nothing his heart desires, but God does not enable him to enjoy them, and a stranger enjoys them instead. This is meaningless, a grievous evil.
ECC 6:3 A man may have a hundred children and live many years; yet no matter how long he lives, if he cannot enjoy his prosperity and does not receive proper burial, I say that a stillborn child is better off than he.

I think this speaks to this or at least in my view because Salvation is to me the most precious gift God has given me to live.

Be loved you are
Permalink 04/14/08 @ 16:30
Comment from: Timothy [Member] ·

INDEED Christ is the Deliverer, in whom we have Salvation in the very moment we call on His name, in all truth and repentance...from then on do we live and breath in Him, walking in our salvation.

Salvation is immediate and on-going...

In Christ Jesus is our Salvation!

John 1:16 -
Out of the fullness of His grace He has blessed us all, giving us one blessing after another.

"Abide in Me, and I shall abide in you and give you life in abundance." ~ Jesus (from: here)

"Blessed are those, who did not wait or hide themselves, for they sought after their God and Savior, and did receive much of their reward in advance. They were open to Me, and I did fill them up." ~ God (from: here)

Permalink 04/14/08 @ 21:35
Comment from: Mrs Zeke [Visitor] ·
I just get completely blown away and all God has given me despite who I am. I really does take every bit of every small piece of faith I have to see myself as His daughter. The only way I could hold on is if Salvation was something alive otherwise my days would be filled with self imposed darkness.

Even now as I sit knowing I have been in a battle for the last couple of years that is massive I know He is holding me because again if not I would fall into despair. I recently asked Him to let me have when my life is all over the same that Paul had and a sense I had run a good race. I just want to stand before my last breath knowing if I can that I did all I could do to honor our God.

The joy that I feel that He might indeed give me that is not because I will be more "pure" I can not be more then Jesus has given me in Salvation but I can and intent to be more honorable to Him.

I don't know Trent, Timothy, Pam and Rich if that makes any sense to any of you but it is everything I want what a gift that would be to say I have run a good race and know indeed I had.
Makes me excited for tomorrow :)
Tomorrow is not promised to anyone so love now, you are loved so be loved
Permalink 04/14/08 @ 21:50

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Even now do you possess the power of the Spirit. You only lack the faith to use what I have given you. Doubt is your enemy which also leaves the door open to the devil. He does continually hiss at you as a serpent, winding his way about your feet, waiting for the moment to strike you down when you waver. (The Lord Will Carry You - Letters from God and His Christ - Volume 6)

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