Post details: TOP TEN ways to develop a Messiah-Complex


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TOP TEN ways to develop a Messiah-Complex

by Trent - from August 2005

TOP TEN ways to develop a Messiah-Complex

  1. - Always preface your indoctrination sessions with the words, "The Holy Spirit is the best teacher."
  2. - Make sure that 90% of your posts are Bible quotes to refute other people's unauthorized Bible quotes.
  3. - Like the King that you are; demand proof, demand respect, demand apologies, demand allegiance and shame your unruly subjects until they submit. (and don't forget to demand proof.)
  4. - Stubbornly ignore polite and direct requests from others to be left alone.
  5. - Realize that God depends on you, and you alone.
  6. - Recognize insubordination as the spirit of the antichrist.
  7. - Make outrageous claims to put people on the defensive. (ie. "When are you going to stop beating your wife?")
  8. - Have the uncanny ability to always be at war with yourself or those around you.
  9. - The world is your audience. Show them the way.
  10. - Persuade others to join your crusade of sanitizing the world of all the people/ideologies that God forgot to kill first.

Some added insight from Trent: "What I can see in myself and despise; I can see in others without disdain."


Comment from: lenbenhear [Member] ·
O LORD, LORD, LORD !!! do we need these warning signs today !!!

There are so many people with a messiah-complex, or a "THE prophet" complex, or
the one,two,or three of the anointed witnesses-complex of Revelation chapter 11, ... and on & on & on.

Maybe it's just best to be a simple servant for Jesus and His glory. no labels. no fanfare. no arguing about who's who or which one leads as being infallible, etc. no: "I am the great and anointed one." ... none. not one. EVER.

thanks again.
Permalink 04/09/08 @ 06:24
Comment from: Trent [Member] ·
We each have a roll to walk in that is prepared for us in advance ... and that makes each of us special ... and when each of us is special than no one of us is more special than the other, even if it is an unusual roll.
To God be all the glory!

Permalink 04/09/08 @ 10:40
Comment from: pam [Visitor]
I agree with both of you. Titles are only important as to the work God wants to do through all of us but people do enjoy parading them. Satan knows that we all want to be 'somebody' and he knows just where to bite and mislead us.

Trent, I'm not sure if you have asked me politely to leave you alone. You've said some rather indirect things that hurt and honestly, I know now that you do want me to go away and I will. However, what Jesus is doing in my life right now is to give me the strength to endure your attempt to end our friendship. You are free to end your half but on my part, I will always be your friend whether you choose to speak to me or not. I'm not a perfect friend and I know I've hurt you at times but I am a straight forward and forgiving friend. I am here until the Lord takes me home and for as long as I'm here, I am your friend. I am your sister in Christ for eternity.

See you around,

Permalink 04/09/08 @ 11:36
Comment from: pam [Visitor]

I never said you had left your wife. I was asking if that would be the right way to respond to a rock that God spoke to you through.

Let's just drop it. If it makes you feel better to blame me then go ahead. Please don't accuse me of anything else without giving me the chance to either appologize or clarify.

Permalink 04/09/08 @ 22:59
Comment from: pam [Visitor]

I'm sorry that I came back and made that last comment, I shouldn't have but I am only human. What you said in your last post was neither polite nor direct the first or the second time. It is just plain passive-agressive and hurtful. I admit to trying to get you to talk to me. I don't know if you read what I send you or not so I thought that here you would have to read it. I give up and I just ask that you please not post anything else that is about me while not being about me. You can untie all the strings you want but I'm still your sister in Christ. We are bound by the blood of Jesus and neither of us can remove that bond. I'll try my best not to look here anymore but it is hard when you care about someone to not want to see how they are doing. I'm still going to pray for you and hope that some day you will see this differently than you do.

Permalink 04/09/08 @ 23:55
Comment from: lenbenhear [Member] ·
May GOD bring healing and understanding where there has been any hurt or misunderstanding or presumption.

A falling out between friends and brethren is always hurtful. forgive, forget, and go on, ... and where needful: agree to disagree until there is full clarification and understanding.

*1 Cor.13:10-13*

I love you Pam, Trent, and Timothy in the Lord Yeshua: The King and Champion of all Love and forgiveness.
Permalink 04/10/08 @ 07:16

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