Post details: The Seed Is Alive. The Mountain Is Not.


Permalink 08:52:58 am, Categories: GraceHead teaching, By Trent
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The Seed Is Alive. The Mountain Is Not.

by Trent - from April 2006
I was asked:For some reason I can't move mountains like Jesus said. Why is that? Am I saved?

Matthew 17:20
He replied, "Because you have so little faith. I tell you the truth, if you have faith as small as a mustard seed, you can say to this mountain, 'Move from here to there' and it will move. Nothing will be impossible for you."

Matthew 21:21
Jesus replied, "I tell you the truth, if you have faith and do not doubt, not only can you do what was done to the fig tree, but also you can say to this mountain, 'Go, throw yourself into the sea,' and it will be done.

I have never seen a mustard seed, but I understand that it is very small. They probably are not much larger then a grain of sand. However, it is not merely the size of that seed that distinguishes it from a mountain. The seed is living, and the mountain is not.

tree in mountainThe power of life within a seed can be seen in every mountain range in the world. In America, we have the Rocky Mountains that stretch for thousands of miles, and those that live in the Rockies have a term that wasn't familiar to me, as a resident of the flatlands of Texas. They call little plants - "rock-breakers." They gave them that name because at some point a tiny seed was caught in a crack on the surface of the granite mountain, and began to grow. The roots of that tiny plant pressed into the crack as the plant grew taller. Once the life of the plant expands sufficiently it can literally shear huge boulders away from the mountain and tumble them off into the valley. The only reason that a seed can move these giant boulders is due to the fact that the seed has life in it, and the mountain does not.

This truth about life within seeds can be seen anywhere there is an airstrip. The airports in my area have massive runways that carry huge loads when airplanes land on them. I have been told that some of the runways are over a full story (12 feet) thick of concrete and steel. But, the maintenance crew's biggest worry is that they will miss a seed that falls into a crack in the airstrip. That seed could grow and break apart the giant concrete structure. For this reason they pull weeds and saplings every time they see them, and they treat the cracks with poison. They fill in the cracks with tar so that a seed cannot find purchase within them. They have to guard against the seeds destroying the airport, because they have seen the power of something that is living to destroy something that is not.

We have mountains all around us. I am not talking about physical rocky hills. Those are actually no longer obstacles to us, as they were in the days of Jesus. We drive through them or fly over them. Mountains are not vexing to us. I actually think they are pretty, and would never want to throw one of them into the sea. The mountains that serve as obstacles to our generation are manifold. Maybe it is poverty, sickness, or dysfunction. Maybe disabilities keep us down, or lack of education. Your mountain may be youthfulness. But, it could just as easily be old age. One mountain that most have in common is the iniquity of our society that wars against anything of wholesome values. Maybe your biggest mountain obstacle is your family, or just your own ignorance and doubt.

If you have ever heard a testimony, then you know that faith can remove these obstacles like throwing a mountain into the sea.

Penny was caught up in a destructive lifestyle and surrounded by darkness in work and at home. Jesus got hold of her, and turned it around. She had no more desire for the iniquity of her past, and was inspired to make a complete change.

Bud was into occult meditation, and visited with demons in worshipful practices that he learned from books that exposed the dark arts to his curious mind. But, Jesus shared his love and grace, and the Gospel shed light on truth that made Bud drop that stuff like a bad habit.

Heather was into youthful experimentation and open rebellion. Her friends introduced her to "recreational" drugs and partying. But, one taste of the things of God, and she was through with that mountain of trouble that surrounded her. She became a Christian and it all changed.

Trent was into pious religious superiority. He thought that he could exploit the Christian church to exalt himself through acts of devotion. He was like a Pharisee that put on a show for everyone's approval, but was only play-acting. Then Jesus showed him the depravity and uselessness of religion. Now Trent goes to church, but not to earn the approval of others, but because he is already approved of by God through faith.

These four people go to my bible study. I don't think they even know it completely but their small taste of life that was given to them in faith has moved mountain after mountain of obstacles in their life and in the lives of those they love. Their life is characterized by a peace that passes understanding, like an open field made smooth by the removing of a great mountain. And still more mountains will be moved. Not because their faith is so great. But because their tiny gift of faith is ALIVE, and that living faith is able to dismantle and remove any dead thing that is in their way.

If you have doubts that your faith can do the same thing for you, then maybe it is time to think about faith in something that is living and able to expand life in your area to break up the rocks and remove those dead things that vex you. Your faith can be so small that it hardly counts, but it must be ALIVE to the Jesus. Then that which has no life in it will have to give way. Dead things have no choice but to be defeated by the living Lord.


Comment from: Pam [Member]
Good Morning, Trent,

God is just so amazing and I am made speechless (a major mountain moved!)at what he does in the hearts of those who love Him!

Permalink 04/03/06 @ 13:48
Comment from: Ambree C. [Visitor]
It's been a minute since I've visited your site...I'm always blessed by what I read, and today is no exception. :) I'm in a situation now where the mountain of a negative work environment and a mountain of bills :) are looming down on me. Sometimes I lose focus of Jesus' loving grace and His provision in my times of need, and instead focus on the hardships, pain and seemingly hopelessness of my life at the moment. Thanks for letting the Lord use your fingers to type such encouraging words! :D

Your Sis in Christ,

Ambree C. :D
Permalink 04/04/06 @ 11:57
Comment from: Timothy [Member] ·
"So indeed, those, who have the faith of a mustard seed, can move mountains, because that seed was created without doubt, knowing in itself it shall become and grow as God has ordained it to be... this is the seed I also give to those who love Me.
It is only the ground, you currently live in, that keeps you from that which the Father has ordained from the beginning that you shall be.
This is why I am come into the world, and will arrive shortly, and return again... to fulfill the Plan of the Ages set forth by God from the very foundation of the world. Amen." ~ Jesus
[From: 'Steadfast Faith and Obedience are Where One Shall Find All Prayers Answered and Miracles Made Manifest, in Accordance with God’s Will' - Vol. 4 - Letters From God and His Christ,]
Permalink 03/24/08 @ 16:26

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My commandment to you is to love those who have wronged you and forgive them, starting with your own self; and be patient with those whom you have wronged. ~ Jesus [Letters from God and His Christ - Volume 6 - Bear Fruit According to the Spirit of Truth]

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