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Discovering Daily Who Christ Really Is

Discovering Daily Who Christ Really Is
a poem by Bonnie Hain

Discovering daily who God really is,
Thanking Him daily He’s mine and I’m His,
Discovering daily God’s great love for me;
Such mercy, forgiveness, amazingly free.

Discovering daily that God really cares,
Discovering daily He does answer prayers,
Discovering daily what grace really means:
Unmerited favor beyond all my dreams.

Discovering daily God speaking to me;
He speaks through the Bible. Once blind, now I see.
Discovering, discovering each day that I live
That all that I need, He freely will give.

Discovering daily Christ working through me,
Accomplishing daily what never could be.
Discovering daily: I can’t, but He can;
Thanking Him daily for my place in His plan.

Discovering daily how real life can be
When I’m living in Christ and He’s living in me.
Discovering daily a song in my heart
With anticipation for each day to start.

Delighting and basking in love so divine,
Secure in the knowledge I’m His and He’s mine.
Besides mere contentment, excitement I see!
A daily adventure: Christ living in me!

Copyright © 2006 Bonnie Hain.

A little background about this poem that Major Ian Thomas quotes in his book - "The Indwelling Life of Christ."

Three months before she wrote this poem Bonnie attempted to take her life. When Bonnie and her husband returned from the hospital after this episode of their life, her husband placed a phone call to a local pastor (Bob) requesting help. Neither Bonnie nor her husband was a Christian.

Major Thomas tells the rest of the story.

Now, in response to this plea from a couple he did not know, Bob went to see them. He led them both to Christ, and he fully understood what that means. He did not just invite them to join his church or even simply to make a decision for Jesus so they could head toward heaven instead of hell. He led them to Christ. He invited them to receive Somebody, so that Somebody could live in them, Somebody living in somebody.

Such truth was revolutionary for this couple. From the moment of their genuine conversion, they fully grasped the implication of being born from above and becoming the recipients of the resurrection Life of the One who was crucified and then rose from the dead to share His Life with them on earth on their way to heaven. Life has held this same excitement for them ever since.


Comment from: pam [Visitor]
Hi Trent,

I know it is Jesus only Who unites believers and I take encouragement in knowing that even though I may break with a fellow believer over a teaching, teacher, prophet, or differences in understanding the Bible, or hurt feelings, that we are not divided simply because our unity does not depend upon us.

Be well and God bless, little brother.

Permalink 03/19/08 @ 21:38

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So repent therefore, because all the dead in Christ and those still living in Christ, will be raised to life at the Last Day, receiving life everlasting. All the rest of the dead, who rejected Him or did not know Him, will also be raised and live at the end of the Millenial Kingdom. In that Day the penitent will receive life everlasting; and the wicked, condemnation forever separated from God. This is the second chance for those who will choose Christ and repent; or the second death for all those who will not accept the Truth nor will they repent of their evil deeds. So yes, fear Him who has given you life, because He can also take it away. ~ Timothy [Letters from God and His Christ - Volume 3 - The Word of God is Truth...Leading to Life]

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