Post details: Christianity is the world's UGLIEST religion!


Permalink 03:58:41 am, Categories: GraceHead teaching, By Trent
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Christianity is the world's UGLIEST religion!

by Trent - from October 2005

"Leave out Jesus and you will give your life to the marginal and the irrelevant." - Mike Wells

jesus angryIt has been said, and I agree that "Christianity is the cruelest religion on earth." Look at all the world religion and see if you don't come to the same conclusion. To be religious in Christianity is to live a life of misery ... or in short - to live as a LawHead.

Why do I, a Christian, think that Christianity is the cruelest religion on earth?

Simple ... because Christ did not come to found a religion.

He did not want us to center on a teaching, nor a particular system of beliefs. Rather He came that we might cast religion aside and center everything on Him. Christianity isn't a religion. Christianity is Somebody living in somebody else. The Christian life is lived through the enabling of the Spirit of God as granted in the Life of Christ .. and enjoyed in each moment as one surrenders to Him to live that Life in and through them.

He gave His life FOR us in order that
He could give His life TO us so that
He could live His life THROUGH us!

In order to be a LawHead, just form a religion around the teaching of Jesus so that you can define a lifestyle that conforms to that teaching and then go and try to life up to that lifestyle the best way that you can without Jesus.

He won't be dynamically living His life through you, rather He will be demanding that you do it on your own while He is being kept at a safe distance as you attempt to forge your own righteousness. All that Jesus will be relevant to the LawHeads is as a futuristic and mystical appraiser of LawHead lonely deeds and toil as LawHeads try to impress Him one good work at a time.

To the LawHead, each command is a chance to change themselves from dirty to clean by fulfilling it.

To the GraceHead, and those that have come to rely upon God's Grace ... each command is a PROMISE of a MIRACLE that Jesus intends to do in and though them. GraceHeads have come to face each command with weakness and dependence and the two words that God SO loves to hear:
"I can't"
[[[[... to which God replies - ]]]]]
"I never said that you could"
"I can,"
"... and I always promised that I would."

Just Give me Jesus.
I don't want another religion ... not even one based upon His teachings.


Comment from: Gert Cornelissen [Visitor]
Hey Trent! So lovely to hear Christ speaking through you-same things He's been saying to me and others ,but so uniquely you! Keep it up bro!
Permalink 10/18/05 @ 17:45
Comment from: Timothy [Member] ·
Excellent, love it!... Amen.

Well... except the "cruelest" part... toward one another within the confines of churchyanity - yes... cruel, no fruit and lots of "you better do this or your going to hell" or similar phrases.

In History - yes, very cruel(ie, the R.C.C.), but today cruel toward the world - no, I think Islam has pulled ahead in that category, in the world, anyway, and maybe within to.

Thanks for delivering that message Bro ;^)

My favorite quotes:

"He gave His life FOR us in order that
He could give His life TO us so that
He could live His life THROUGH us!" ~ Trent

"...because Christ did not come to found a religion" ~ Trent

To which I respond by another quote I heard somewhere:

'Man made religion in the vain hope to reach God....
But God sent His only Begotten Son to reach man.'
Permalink 03/14/08 @ 12:26
Comment from: jay [Visitor] ·
JESUS CHRIST is the same yesterday and today and forever.
Keep your lives free from money and be content with what you have, because GOD has said, Never will I leave you; never will I forsake you. So we say with confidence "The LORD is my helper;I will not be afraid. What can human beings do to me."
It is all before each and everyone of us. Why is it that we have to take something that is so simple and perfect and manipulate, coerce,and justify it to suit our earthly gratification, yes i am talking about manmade religion,wake up and see the twisted labyrinth of caos that dwells within christianity.Nothing of what CHRIST JESUS, and his Apostles taught has changed it remains the same to this very day, so i say unto you, it is time for all who are willing to pull back the veil and seek truth,to do so with an open mind, not the mind of the flesh
JESUS is with you,
Praise be to HIM
your bro in CHRIST
Permalink 03/17/08 @ 01:31

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What of the wicked and the heathen? Shall they be equal to the redeemed? No, they shall be cast out and burned with fire, unless they come to repentance before the One True God, in the Sons name. ~ God [Letters from God and His Christ - Volume 2 - Let the Lord Lead, You Only Need Follow...Let Go of Your Pride]

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