Post details: Never Delivered ... an allegory


Permalink 03:54:47 am, Categories: GraceHead teaching, By Trent
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Never Delivered ... an allegory

**I have been delivered from many sins, but never while I was trying to be delivered.***

nuggetA odd fellow rode into town and claimed that he had found the secret to instant wealth. The impoverished town was fascinated, so they watched his demonstration with great anticipation. Could the man make gold out of nothing, and could this help the town out of its dire circumstance?

He commanded that one of the townspeople bring a pot and boil some water in the town square. Then he handed her a flask and said to add only a small amount to the boiling water. "Patience!" he said, as he stirred the strange brew. Then with slight of hand, he dropped three nuggets of gold in the pot, and as the lady drained the dark brew onto a cloth, the nuggets of gold appeared on the cloth!

A powerful man in the town demanded that he sell the remainder of the "potion." and they fixed on a price. Just before the odd fellow left town he gave a stern warning: "I almost forgot to tell you the secret. If you do as I tell you not to do, then you will never make any gold." Slowly and clearly the odd fellow continued, "What ever you do, never think about elephants when you are stirring the potion otherwise the brew will not work."

Well, you know the rest of the story of that man's life. He was wasted away as he did all he could to get elephants out of his mind. Never did the potion work, and soon he went mad. He could not focus on something and at-the-same-time rid his mind of it.


Comment from: Pam [Visitor]
My experience also but the moment that I give up with, "Lord! I can't! Please take it from me!" I am freed from my sin and free to live according to God.

Eyeballs, click! On Jesus. The rest is taken care of minus the elephants.

Permalink 03/04/08 @ 10:12
Comment from: Trent [Member] ·
What gets your focus gets you ... and one cannot focus upon something to rid that from themselves.
So those that are focusing on sin, are likely having a breakout of sin. It is a backfiring strategy.
Focus on the Lord, and away from sin, and watch the sin fall away.
Focus on the sin and away from the Lord, and watch sin become your master.

Thus, delivery from sin starts with focus away from sin and upon the Lord.

Permalink 03/04/08 @ 12:29
Comment from: Pam [Visitor]
Amen! The light of His glory burns it away.

Permalink 03/04/08 @ 12:46

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Know this, Beloved, some of the boys represent people in your life and the world, who will try to cut you down and sway you from your task; and all represent the many hordes of demons sent by the evil one, for they can not desecrate your beliefs, so they will try to rip them from your body with pain and anguish. (Persevere When Adversity Comes...Your Redemption Draws Nigh - Letters from God and His Christ - Volume 1)

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