Post details: Does loving your enemies mean we should accommodate evil?


Permalink 05:30:48 am, Categories: GraceHead teaching, By Trent
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Does loving your enemies mean we should accommodate evil?

by Trent - originally posted on October 25, 2005
While I was yet an enemy of Christ, He reconciled me. His charity was manifest even more clearly toward the chief of sinners, the mass-murderers, the rapists, the molesters, and each of us can say that (while we may have not gone into the less acceptable sins) ... we have each been forgiven of MUCH.

Think about how short the event will be, when God's wrath will be revealed. There won't be any resistance, because His wrath is irresistible. And yet God is longsuffering until then ... accommodating every manner of ungodliness ... even my own ungodliness. Why does He put up with me? Why does He put up with you? Why does He put up with the ungodliness of the rebels? Why does He put up with the corruption within the Body of Christ? Even more so, He extends charity to all daily, though the only thing that He KNOWS is Godly within all of Creation is HIMSELF, by the infusion of His Spirit through Christ Jesus the Lord.

I'll tell you why it is that God puts up with it: Because it is Godly to do so.

If it is good enough that God, in this very moment, Who holds the universe together, to put up with THE father of lies, then howbeit that I winch and complain about putting up with my jerk neighbor. How do I justify fighting with those that God is not fighting? Shouldn't I, who can do far less for them then cause their existence, be compelled by God's charity to seek their highest good in a creative way?

I know, we should wait until they deserve our charity, right?

Then how long would we wait? How long would God have waited for us to be worthy?

So, I say this. Lets extend our most fervent love to those that we think deserve it least, as inspired by the love of God that came to us, rebels, and so crushed us to receive such charity when we warranted such wrath.

It may make no difference to them that we love with God's love, but it will make your heart leap for joy to minister to others in such a divine way.

If fighting your enemies, and actively thwarting gives you 30 pleasure-points for two weeks time. I am here to say that loving your enemy and being charitable to them will give you 3000 pleasure-points in the same two weeks time.

I wish someone would prove me wrong ... and then when finding charity so horrible, they choose to go back to fighting. Even still it only cost them 2 weeks to try, and that is not asking much.

Where fellowship is impossible, there can still be peacefulness as far is it is concerned with myself. My encouragement is for brothers and sisters to become an agent of freedom, and an agent of peace ... and see if this does not suit you more then war, griping, complaining, and manipulation.

I think that the road of unrighteousness is a tough road ... so, for as many as are sick of the bumps and bruises along that road ... I suggest this off-ramp - an offramp that resembles Jesus' sermon about offering a gift-wrapped coat to those that would sue you for your shirt.

My suggestion? Lets go find the one we wish would go away, and creatively share the love that God has spread abroad in our hearts. God will continue to accommodating them anyway, but we might miss out on a blessing if we don't.

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Comment from: joyinexpressible [Visitor]
Good Morning Trent,

God made you write this for me.

Actually, I have loved too much and have had to go back to fighting to survive. That's because I loved too much with my own human love. To love others, despite the horrors of their sin, and survive, requires the love of Jesus. I can't be Jesus. I only need Him. Others need Him too, they really don't need me or my great sacrifice. I can give myself to Jesus and let Him love them. Then I will be safe in Him and won't have to fight for survival. I'll be tucked safely under His wing.

Thank you for helping me to find the right focus for my difficult day .

Love in Christ,

Permalink 10/26/05 @ 08:43
Comment from: Trent [Member] ·


I am so glad you shared your reaction, because you helped complete my thoughts.

It is true that sacrificial agape-love, (that comes from the overflow of His love to us) may not have anything at all to offer even those that we love. We don't love enemies so that they get a charge out of it. We are the beneficiaries of sanity, peace, contentment, purpose, blessing ... each time we find that love spilling over ... EVEN if the recipient could care less.

We do this for our own good every time ... and once in a while, others might see what is going on and praise the Lord, knowing that we don't deserve the credit at all.

I pray that your day is difficult enough for you to enjoy His strength for each portion that your resources are overwhelmed.

Ripening for the harvest,


Permalink 10/26/05 @ 11:26
Comment from: Len [Visitor]
 Thanks, Trent. I know I need to pray-thru with certain people: some of them have just become a bit much. For now: I'll just pray and avoid the self-righteous attackers. You know. Thanks for your prayers and insights. Len
Permalink 10/28/05 @ 05:37
Comment from: Len [Visitor]
 And as you well know: grace and forgiveness is always there; but at the same time: we need to be aware that some people are simply DEAD-SET on doing their worst. - I have decided to wisely AVOID these people. You, by way of Jesus, have helped me reach this necessary decision. thanks again. Len
Permalink 10/28/05 @ 05:41
Comment from: Trent [Member] ·
Len ,

What a blessing when some people are too much for us. With less that I can handle, there is more of God and His grace.

Nearly everyone is too much for me.


Ripening for the harvest,
Permalink 10/31/05 @ 17:15
Comment from: Pam [Member]
Hey Trent,

I miss reading your heart and what God is doing there, little brother. I enjoyed re-reading this one but I miss the freshly served.:0)

Permalink 04/30/07 @ 13:59
Comment from: emilyc [Member] ·
Seems there's a nerve here...for each of us...somewhere along the line, each of us have run into people we don't really "love" or "like".

This is the coolest thing you said about why God puts up with us....
"I'll tell you why it is that God puts up with it: Because it is Godly to do so."
YES!!! And, we are to strive to be more like Him, which in turn gives us the liberation to love the unlovable. Otherwise, we cannot see past ourselves and our own selfish desires.

And yeah...I'm with Pam on this one...I miss the fresh stuff. I'll tell you, I've been in a lull lately myself, so let's dig out....I miss the new understanding the Lord gives...the live, action...the things the Lord is teaching.....

:) Your friend and sister in Yeshua always,
Permalink 02/26/08 @ 11:59
Comment from: Pam [Visitor]
Hi Trent,

I know these are spiritual words because they speak to me so differently than when I read them before yet, they still fit perfectly.

I think we all have to begin at peace with God and that is Jesus. If we remain there,peace with others should come but can only be perfected when they have made their peace with God also. We can only do our half. The trick is remaining steadfast in Christ and within our own boundaries and not being drawn into another's struggle with God. We can't give them our peace but we can allow others to cause us to temporarily cease to enjoy it.

Permalink 03/01/08 @ 21:34

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