Post details: Killing God's Word


Permalink 09:39:18 am, Categories: By Trent, GraceHead thinking deeply
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Killing God's Word

Separating God's Word from the Source from which it came (the Living Word) is the quickest way to kill it.

A boy tip-toes to the railing next to a giant waterfall, quivering with nervous excitement. The rush of water over the cliff, thunders the air and shakes the ground. The youngster barely musters the courage, but extends his arm over the rail and scoops the water into a glass jar, before quickly tightening the lid down.

The boy skips for joy all the way home, and tells his mother that he brought something to show. Still nervous and giggling with pleasure, the boy lifts up a jar full of water and starts to twist off the lid. Once loose, the boy snatches the lid away and slides the jar across the table toward his mother. Instantly the boy is hunched over and holding his ears as if all the sound and fury of the waterfall would erupt, but nothing erupts.

Now the mother and the boy both looked puzzled and then it hits the youngster, as he blurts out: "I must have killed it!"

God is alive! He is the Source of the Word.
Lets not separate (containerize) His Word away from Him, or the Word will surely be something dead and useless to us.

John 5:39-40
You diligently study the Scriptures because you think that by them you possess eternal life. These are the Scriptures that testify about Me, yet you refuse to come to Me to have life.



Comment from: emilyc [Member] ·
Ever been to Niagara Falls, Trent? Good comparison....the mighty power of the falls....but imagine this, it is just a teensy weensy dot compared to the Lord's true power.
Permalink 02/26/08 @ 12:07

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I ask you to love those who have hurt you; and to love them is to forgive them as I have forgiven them and you. ~ Jesus [Letters from God and His Christ - Volume 6 - Understand Love, Know Forgiveness, Partake of the Whole Fruit of the Spirit and Make It Part of You]

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