Post details: A prayer from my heart.....


Permalink 12:15:12 am, Categories: By Emily
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A prayer from my heart.....

This is my prayer.....

In the Name of Yeshua the Messiah, I pray right now, that You OH LORD, would give me strength to make it another day. Please, fill me with strength to make every moment I live a testimony to Your Name. Right now, I am so weak, I feel as though I have been trampled upon, beaten, and kicked to the side. I have no more ability to make it on my own, I ask that You would uplift me today, Yeshua. Fill me with Your love and patience, for those who cannot yet see.

The darkness is so thick, and few can see You and Your precious will for our lives. Few can see the freedom that You truly give through salvation. And even these that do see, take Your gift of salvation and do not offer up anything back to You. My heart hurts for them, my heart longs to help spread Light. The time is so short, Lord, so short. And yet, even I am not where I should be.

Lift up each of Your servants today--those who have given everything they know to give to live life for You. Bless them with an abundance of blessings, Father. Give strength and protection through persecution, joy in the sadness, rest for the weary, faith where there is lack, love where there is hate, and patience where it need be. Give each of Your servants the right words to speak to those who are lost. Place within each one the ability to love even when it is most difficult. For it is only through You that we have any ability to love--nothing of ourselves.

The hour is upon us, help those seeking after themselves and their own desires to realize the vanity of it. There is only hope in YOU Yeshua! Only hope in You. Rain down Your Holy Spirit upon the people! Please, let each heart be convicted of their sin. Let each heart see their dire need for You.

I thank You for everything You have given to me, Lord. Everything. It is not even of my own that I have this next breath to breathe. I praise You because You are the author of ALL Life! You are the Finisher of our faiths...I long with every fiber of my being to be in Your arms for all eternity! I long for all of me to be filled with all of You....please Lord.....fill me............................


Comment from: Judah [Visitor] ·
Amen. I'll pray tonight that our God, who has all the power to deliver us from any darkness -- nothing is too great! -- will deliver you from any evil the enemy has brought against you. Satan's attacks are weak and powerless in the face of God's awesome deliverance he's so famous for.

Be encouraged, Emily. God will see you through to the end.
Permalink 12/31/07 @ 02:08
Comment from: Mrs Zeke [Visitor] ·
Emily you remind me in this post so much of our youngest daughter who by her online sig in her art forums it says these words from Jars of Clay

... If I was not so weak
If I was not so cold
If I was not so scared of being broken
Growing old
I would be...
I would be...
I would be...


God knows where you are and I believe he loves the parts of all of you that are so frail because in those places He has room to grow you.
God be with you in the name of Jesus Christ our Savior
You are loved

Permalink 12/31/07 @ 11:06
Comment from: Pam [Member]
Dear Emily,

In all the places in you that now seem dead and empty, God is already filling with love for Him and compassion for others. I see it already.

In my heart, I am holding you in my arms and comforting you, my dear daughter in Christ. Be of good courage and may Jesus so fill you that in the face of all the hurt others pile upon you, you will be able to say, "forgive them, they know not what they do." Turn away from the pain, fall into Jesus and be comforted by the joy that is only Him.

Permalink 12/31/07 @ 11:31
Comment from: lenbenhear [Member] ·
HE will sustain thee.

HE will not fail thee.

JESUS Is There
for you. ... always
and forever.

Permalink 01/01/08 @ 01:40

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I ask you to love those who have hurt you; and to love them is to forgive them as I have forgiven them and you. ~ Jesus [Letters from God and His Christ - Volume 6 - Understand Love, Know Forgiveness, Partake of the Whole Fruit of the Spirit and Make It Part of You]

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