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Permalink 12:14:25 pm, Categories: Announcements [A], By Timothy
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This Generation Shall Not Pass Away.

12/30/05, From God the Father.
A Letter Given to Timothy, For All Those Who Have Ears to Hear.

This Generation Shall Not Pass Away.

All others who have went before, having prophesied of the return of Messiah, have failed... the time was not yet, nor did I speak to them. I have spoken to you and many others. Yea, the time is near... behold, He is at the door.
Timothy, write, and receive understanding. As it was written, there were seven weeks and threescore and two weeks unto Messiah’s first coming. So shall there be threescore and two days, and then seven days, going forth after the Restoration Day of My people to their land. After the seven days have been completed, Messiah shall reign.
Behold the generation, who shall see the coming of the Son of Man in His glory. These are they, who shall not pass away before His coming. Blessed are the wise, who wait and watch and see these things come to pass during their generation... they shall be lifted up.


Comment from: Timothy [Member] ·
Question: What does the Letter, Entitled “This Generation Shall Not Pass Away”, mean?

Answer: See points 1 - 5 below.
Regarding the Letter from God, called “This Generation Shall Not Pass Away”. Please note that these words are God’s own words spoken to me. I wrote them down as I heard Him speak them (like dictation). I’ve added the words in parenthesis to give you greater understanding.

This Generation Shall Not Pass Away

All others who have went before, having prophesied of the return of Messiah, have failed...the time was not yet, nor did I speak to them. I have spoken to you and many others. Yea, the time is near...behold, He is at the door.
Timothy, write and receive understanding. As it was written, [1 there were seven weeks and threescore (60) and two weeks unto Messiah’s first coming (Daniel 9:25)]. So shall there be [2 threescore (60) and two days (years), and then seven days (years)], [3 going forth after the Restoration Day (year)] of My people to their land. After the seven days have been completed, Messiah shall reign.
Behold the generation who shall see the coming of the Son of Man in His glory. [4 These are they who shall not pass away before His coming]. Blessed are the wise, who wait and watch and see these things come to pass during their generation...[5 they shall be lifted up]. (God speaking) ~ Letters from God and His Christ - Volume Five

1. To better understand: Seven weeks = 49 days (years); threescore and two weeks = 62 weeks or 434 days (years). A day = a year. The 70 weeks begin with the “going forth of the commandment to restore and rebuild Jerusalem” (Daniel 9:25). Artaxerxes, king of Persia, gives the commandment to Nehemiah to rebuild Jerusalem, during the 20th year of his reign, or around 444 B.C. (Nehemiah 2:8).

2. In other words: “So shall there be 62 days (years) and then 7 days (years), going forth after the Restoration Day (May 15, 1948) of My people to their homeland. [See the Seventy Weeks of Daniel chart, located in the “Seventy Weeks of Daniel Supplement”, by clicking on the Bible/Letter Study icon on this website.]
When God is referring to Israel’s restoration day, “day” always means “year”, according to Ezekiel 4:6, so Israel’s Restoration Day is actually Israel’s Restoration Year, the year Israel obtained their statehood.
[Note: This part of the prophecy is not found in the Bible, but was given to me by God for our generation.]

3. The “Restoration Day (year) of My people” refers to 1948 when Israel obtained their statehood.
(Start counting from the year 1949 because of the phrase “going forth after”). Also see the above-mentioned chart, “The Seventy Weeks of Daniel”.

4. Refer to verse Psalm 90:10 indicating the length of a generation, “The days of our years are threescore years and ten (total 70 years); and if by reason of strength they be fourscore years, yet is their strength labor and sorrow, for it is soon cut off, and we fly away.” Also, in Matthew 24:34, “Verily, I say unto you, This generation shall not pass, till all these things be fulfilled.” In the context of verses 33 & 34, Jesus is speaking about the generation that sees the signs of Matthew 24 come to pass. He is not referring to the disciples’ generation...He is speaking about our generation.

5. This refers to the “Rapture” or “Gathering Up”. (Please see the “Rapture or Gathering Up” study in the Bible/Letter study section of this website, for verses and evidence regarding the gathering up.)

Note from Timothy: It is OK to question my authority in keeping with 1 John 4:1. And once you establish I am true and of God, then no longer are you to question the authority by which I write, for the Letters are God’s words. Rather, in seeking to understand, by sincere questions of faith, do we please God. All who seek after God, abiding in Christ, heeding the leading of the Spirit which is of Him and is Him, shall we surely find. For understanding is not attained by any human means, but, rather, it is a gift from God according to our faith, which is in Christ and received from Him also.
Permalink 12/28/07 @ 12:15
Comment from: lenbenhear [Member] ·
Yes, my dear brother: I am convinced also that THIS *is* the generation that shall see "the fulfillment of all things spoken of by the prophets of old."







leading to


Halleluyah to The Lamb.

He hath [and WILL] make all things New. (!)


Permalink 12/29/07 @ 08:24

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Do not anguish over your past sins for I have washed them away, all of them, past sin, present sin, and yes, your sins of tomorrow. ~ Jesus [Letters from God and His Christ - Volume 1 - Jesus Christs Love and Forgiveness Are With You]

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