Post details: Surveying


Permalink 02:32:03 pm, Categories: By Emily
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So, I've been there once. I've sang the words "When I survey the wondrous cross" many times. Except that I've seen myself surveying the cross in a much different way. This is more like how I have surveyed the cross.....

Jesus says to take up your cross and follow Him. This is a big bold command. I've been afraid. I've hemmed and hawed. Hmmmm, do I really want to do this? I see the cross of Jesus standing tall--very tall. He is indeed alive and risen today. Then I see my cross laying there on the ground. It's big, bulky, heavy. Thick wood, if I were to take it up, it would cause me to get splinters. Oh, I've got a bad back, too....if I picked it up it would hurt my back. And look, it's dirty too. Slowly I have come to it again and again, hearing Jesus' words--"Follow Me!" I bend down and touch the heavy cross. It is indeed rugged. As my hand runs across it a splinter slides into my finger. What if I were to take it up on my back? People might laugh, people might think I was really crazy because after all Jesus didn't mean to literally take up your cross. Maybe it was figurative. "Ha ha!" they'd laugh, "Look at her! She's actually carrying a wooden cross! Jesus didn't really mean that, He only meant to do what you feel comfortable with!" Oh...the persecution! Oh, the trouble it would indeed cause if I decided to take up this cross!" Leave everything and take up my cross, how could I ever do it?

So, for many years I have stood far off only pondering the thought of taking up my cross. I've surveyed the cross from afar, way far off. It is time, my dear brothers and sisters to take up your cross and follow Him. It is time to put away all things of this world and not worry about the splinters you might get. Don't worry about how you may look, NOW is the time.. Do it, and don't look back. The Lord indeed demands our attention--He longs for us to love Him and follow after Him. But instead, we turn our backs. I can say, I am ashamed of myself. I do not even want to show my face--for I have spent many wasted years standing next to my cross crying about it. Go now, for He has already taken up His cross for you.


Comment from: Timothy [Member] ·
Amen and Amen.

Mark 8:34
And when He had called the people unto Him with His disciples also, He said unto them, Whosoever will come after Me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross, and follow Me.

Matthew 28:20
...and teaching them to obey everything that I have commanded you. And remember! I will be with you always, yes, even until the end of the age.

Thus had the Lord spoken to you:
Beloved, hear Me and receive of Me, says the Lord.
I have come and am come and have come already... yea, I shall return in great glory, even every eye shall behold My form and give Me glory! Even every knee shall bow to Me... I am the Lord. I am also your teacher, and if I am your teacher and Lord, then come and sit at My feet. Take no care to all these things of the world that encompass you round about, leading you into temptation. Hear Me, beloved, I have spoken to your own heart. Yea, you have heard My voice and have dwelt in My love, upon My own bosom... yet I see in you fear... many tears.

Beloved, I, even I, have defeated the world!.. Follow Me.

I know this cross is heavy, a burden of which all the first redeemed of the Lord must bear... it is even the weight of many sorrows. Follow close behind, hear Me and have understanding.
I have now come, and from among you I will raise up many in My own name... many who know Me, and I, Myself, live in them. They hear My voice... I live in them. And of these, they know My voice because they are My sheep, who come in and go out and find pasture.
Permalink 11/17/07 @ 20:14
Comment from: emilyc [Member] ·
Oh, it fits together so perfectly. Thank you for the reminder of His words to me (and others)once again. I read them again two days ago, but they are even more alive and fresh to me today!
Permalink 11/17/07 @ 20:22

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Behold the Lamb of God! Without spot or blemish sent to die for the sins of the world, bearing the full weight of transgression in His own body. My Son, you are, and will always be, the Risen Lamb of God, whereby you took the leaven of the world, having completely unleavened all men once for all time by your blood, having been the perfect sacrifice for sin, acceptable to God, whereby men have been reconciled to the Father; they themselves becoming once again My sons and daughters free to enter the Garden and My love, which they shall never again be separated; their new life lived in and for Christ Jesus, the Lord and Savior, in whom I am well pleased. ~ God [Letters from God and His Christ - Volume 5 - Unleavened]

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