Post details: Jesus vs. Not-Jesus ... Round 6


Permalink 04:50:37 pm, Categories: By Trent, GraceHead grinning
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Jesus vs. Not-Jesus ... Round 6

"Fear the One that can destroy your soul."- Jesus, speaking of the Father.

"Fear the One that would torment you until you pass-out, and then awaken you for more torment until you pass out, and on and on without an end. He couldn't destroy an immortal everlasting soul of the damned even if He tried." - Not-Jesus, speaking about the Father.

.... and this round goes to?


Comment from: emilyc [Member] ·
Ding ding ding....and we have a winner, let me introduce to you Trent...who has been our announcer for this discussion.....
Permalink 11/09/07 @ 21:34

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Rather, grace is the gift of God given to all those who come to Him in faith who believe in the name Jesus Christ and accept His sacrifice into them as the payment for forgiveness of sin. ~ God [Letters from God and His Christ - Volume 2 - I Am the Lord God Almighty!...The Only God! Why Oh Peoples of the Earth Do You Fight Against He Who Has Overcome the World? Kick Not Thy Foot Against the Rock]

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