Post details: This He has promised.....


Permalink 07:18:25 pm, Categories: Announcements [A], By Emily
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This He has promised.....

The Holy Spirit

Two days ago, the Lord opened my ears to hear Him speaking with much more clarity. It is indeed the Lord. I have heard Him before, yet it is as though a thick curtain has been removed and He is much clearer. For the first time ever, I have heard Him speak my own name. "Emily....Hear Me....." He said. It was the most beautiful personal thing I have ever heard. It was aside from my own thoughts, as though it were a human voice calling me. Yet it was not human. It is a voice I have known for much of my life, yet have not recognized it as so. Now a new door is opened. Now I recognize this voice of my God--my Creator. I pray for all clarity in hearing Him in the days ahead, that I may not once lean to my own understanding. I have been looking for a way to say this, a way to explain, and there is no other way to explain it except that God--He speaks to me, His humble servant Emily. He is alive, and He does speak.

My vision
I have received two visions. They must be told.
The first vision was of a small child--a toddler. He is running down a sidewalk. You know the kind of run of a toddler who has just learned to balance. Big shoes clunking loudly on the pavement. Arms out at the sides. At first I see the child and wonder about the parent. He runs on. Clunk clunk clunk. He trips over a crack in the cement and falls onto his palms. Just then, a large hand reaches down and lovingly scoops up the child. The Hand bandages up the wound and gently places the boy back on the sidewalk. The child run toward danger, and the Hand reaches and nudges him back on to the safety of the path. "Go this way," the Hand motions. Tears stream down the face of the little boy. His cheeks are stained with tears, and the Hand reaches out and wipes away the tears and sweetly caresses his cheek. Again I see the boy, but he is laughing. The Hand reaches up and wipes a very large tear, in joy over seeing His dear child's true happiness.

I've relayed this to several people....each one saying "that child is me...". I know who that child is--yes, it's you....and it's me. The Loving Hand of our His little children. Oh, I have seen it.

The second vision was of myself and another person. I was on my way somewhere when I came upon a person tied in big thick rusty chains, with a lock across the front. I stopped and stared, noting just how large the chains were, thinking I MUST GET THESE OFF! So, I reached over to them and grabbed the chains and began to pull with all my might. I pulled, and pulled, and pulled. Then I started yelling and pulling, with every bit of strength I could muster. And then.....I looked down and realized that the person was pulling against me. They were trying to keep their chains on! I yelled at them, saying, "do you not want to be free of these chains?! Look what they have done to you, those sores and cuts!" The person nodded their head no (almost zombie-like) and began to pull the chains back toward them. Then I heard the Lord say, "Leave them! They embrace their chains! Child, they have no eyes to see, or hear about the freedom they can have! For such a time will come when they will realize they have been in captivity to these dirty rusty chains (doctrines), and they will beg Me to remove the chains! Until then, child, pray for them fervently . But there is no salve to offer to the gaping wounds of those who will not acknowledge that they have wounds!"


Comment from: Timothy [Member] ·
Glory to the Lord Jesus, Yeshua our Savior!

I read this with Amy yesterday and was going to call you and encourage you to post it.

The Lord has revealed His glory in you and to you as He promised. Trust in these words and these visions of Truth and beauty... sorrows turned to joy... the bond who will be made free.

The interpretation is clear and the meaning sure. Therefore, I will not quote the many Bible verses that come to mind(unless you want me too). I will let others comment.

TRUST, in the Lord, is key...
human power is of no use at all.

Blessed be His name. Amen.
Permalink 11/06/07 @ 10:07
Comment from: Trent [Member] ·
"""Then I started yelling and pulling, with every bit of strength I could muster. And then.....I looked down and realized that the person was pulling against me. They were trying to keep their chains on! I yelled at them, saying, "do you not want to be free of these chains?! Look what they have done to you, those sores and cuts!" The person nodded their head no (almost zombie-like) and began to pull the chains back toward them."""

Emily, that is a vivid picture. It brings up so many thoughts ... thoughts of my own foolishness ... thoughts about religious shackles ... thoughts of the intentional blindness of our age ... and I am blessed to read this and read this again.

I like the Jesus Christ that I see in you.

Thanks for letting Jesus come out and play.

Ripening still,
Permalink 11/06/07 @ 14:13
Comment from: emilyc [Member] ·
there are no words for the shackles I myself have worn, and some I am STILL enslaved to. Yet, the Lord has promised us deliverance--HE WILL LEAD US OUT. Step by step, in His guidance, we will shed every layer of the filthy clothing that once completely covered us. I read that again (above) and it brought tears to my eyes.
It is such an honor to be family with you, Brother....for THIS IS JESUS...the one who unites us and brings us from darkness and rags to LIGHT!
Permalink 11/06/07 @ 16:23
Comment from: emilyc [Member] ·
Timothy....not for my sake, but....please do paste those Bible verses. :)
Thank you so much....
Permalink 11/06/07 @ 16:26
Comment from: pam [Visitor]
Hi Emily,

It is so easy to reduce God to "precept upon precept and line upon line" and deny the power of godliness. It is according to our old nature to do so and so easy for us to return to. Even though we have been born again and are called to walk in newness of life our flesh is so very familiar and comfortable that we turn from that calling, not fully, but partially and formulize Christ in our lives in doctrines that we repeat over and over and parrot to one another. Chains that we use as a security blanket. How much better to gladly accept life with the innocence of a toddler fully trusting our Father to pick us up and dust us off each time we fall.

We can't free anyone. We each have to look to Jesus in order to gain that freedom. We can't give Jesus to anyone. No matter how much we want to or how hard we try. We can only point others to Jesus and love them right where they are.

Permalink 11/07/07 @ 10:06
Comment from: jay [Visitor] ·
During my reading this morning I came across this prayer, and found it very befitting for the cicumstance's that we now face on our FATHERS withering creation. Not only did the word's put a smile on my face but also gave renewal to my already strong faith that all is going to be ok for GOD'S chosen and those that we are appointed to touch and bring into HIS loving arms. It was written by an unknown confederate soldier.
I asked GOD for strength, that I might achieve. I was made weak, that I might learn humbly to obey. I asked for health, that I might do greater things. I was given infirmity, that I might do better things. I asked for riches, that I might be happy. I was given poverty, that I might be wise. I asked for power, that I might have the praise of men. I was given weakness, that I might feel the need of GOD. I asked for all things, that I might enjoy life. I was given life, that I might enjoy all things. I got nothing that I asked for-but everything I had hoped for. Almost despite myself, my unspoken prayers were answered. I am among all men, most richly blessed.
Very powerful words, I pray that all humanity could see these words and take notice of how much GOD truly loves us and wants us to rely soley on HIM. I know that events have been set in motion, that can not be reversed but it is our duty as true christian followers of CHRIST to grab ahold of as many souls as we can that are willing to listen. As it has been revealed to me in the book of Titus3:10-11 warn divisive people once,and then warn them a second time. After that, have nothing to do with them. You may be sure that such people are warped and sinful; they are self condemned. What you need to understand is that this will include close family and friends, yes even parents, aunts,etc. Which holds very sobering true for myself. Do not allow yourselves to be held back by there self condemnation and fence riding. This sounds very harsh and cold but it holds all truth from the words of our FATHER.
and PRAISE to
Permalink 11/11/07 @ 17:57
Comment from: emilyc [Member] ·
Jay, yes, this is an uphill battle for me. I was just telling a friend of mine tonight about blogging and how it took a lot of courage for me to even be here. It is a big step, yet not big enough. The Holy Spirit convicts me deeply of these things. Not just that, but spending MORE time in prayer and in the Bible. It is all a step we need to take in confidence, and I am trying to let go of these shackles of fear and self-consciousness. I admit it. Thank you for the kind encouraging word, Brother. You have, this day, washed my feet.
Permalink 11/11/07 @ 22:31

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So My loved ones, be blessed as I am blessed...accept your salvation in Christ by way of your repentance to Him and love from Him. Then shall the Spirit come upon you. First as a lightening from your burdens...they have been taken through Christs blood and your acceptance of His sacrifice. ~ Timothy [Letters from God and His Christ - Volume 2 - Seek First That Which is First, This is Where Joy Abounds, Then Comes Wisdom]

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