Post details: Bad Company


Permalink 01:14:49 pm, Categories: By Pam
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Bad Company

If I keep my eye on the church (the people not the institution)for too long, I start to wonder what faith in Christ really means. In them, I want to find Jesus but usually where there ought to be love there is conflict. I'm not just an observer either, I get caught in the conflict on a daily basis. If I'm not getting stoned for something I've done or said, then I am getting pelted with stones meant for someone near to me. I am also guilty of sometimes, casting stones. I have a sad feeling that the only thing that purifies the church of personal conflict, making way for an outpouring of love, is to be under conflict with the world from without.

Today, I am praying that Jesus will purify us of conflict. That He will teach us never to pick up stones to hurl at one another again. I am well aware that by praying this, I may be bringing persecution down upon our heads. If that is the Will of God, so be it.

Father, forgive us. Father discipline us. Whatever it takes Father to teach us to love one another, to forebear with one another, to be patient and kind with one another, bring it and empower us to endure. Be glorified in us, those who have been called by your Name. Teach us to lay all stones of offense down and refrain from judgment as we also lay our lives down to make way for the only One fit to judge, Your Son, Jesus. Teach us to live in the Way of forgiveness and repentance and be restored to one another in the same Way that we have been restored to You. Amen.


Comment from: Pam [Member]

You know it doesn't matter what others say about you and Jesus. Only the two of you know what is true. You are never out of the loop of my prayers. Neither is Trent.

I don't want to take sides in any of this. I just wish that we all would make sure that each of us are on the Lord's side and let Him be the judge.

Permalink 10/17/07 @ 15:13
Comment from: Judah Himango [Visitor] ·

Thanks for this post. Unity needs to trump theological differences, and too often it's easy to get caught up in diatribes from either side.

We do need unity.

I'm trying to figure out where the line is between believing with 100% of your being that someone is wrong and needs correction, versus glossing over differences in favor of unity. Sometimes it isn't a clear decision for me. How about you?
Permalink 10/17/07 @ 21:04
Comment from: Pam [Member]
Hi Judah,

No it is not an easy line. I think we all have to follow our own personal nudging from the Holy Spirit and trust that God is working in that person's life. That is what it is really about. It isn't about being right or wrong.

I think the Bible is pretty clear on the things that we should part company on. Basically, sexual immorality, those who gossip and bring disunity by it, and of course, people who just want to argue. I see those reasons as being for the preserving the credibility of the church. We also have to be quick to forgive if that person is repentant. We also have to be quick to repent if our feelings have gotten in the way and caused us to respond too harshly. We also have to continue to pray for one another.

I am not young and I have been through so many church battles and I hate them but I know God uses them. There is really no pain like what we go through in the divisions in the church but it refines us. We learn through them what is important. Often we learn to love others in a way we never imagined. I think as often as possible, we need to ride out the conflict and seek peace. We grow by that. Commitment to one another is important.

Gee, that was a long answer!! On the lighter side, my husband and I always joke, "Well, this won't be the first church we've split! Better get to it..." The point is that we all have to deal with the church splitter within and make sure we are on the Lord's side and not thinking we are doing the Lord a favor. The first will somehow work out to God's choosing, the second is just destructive and painful.

Permalink 10/17/07 @ 22:02
Comment from: emilyc [Member] ·
Hi, I'm Emily, and I am guilty of throwing stones.
I pray that the Lord would heal these hurts and that He would grow each one of us into the fullness of Him. Let us all focus on the Lord and remember to always bring His love into everything. The Bible says in John 15:12 "This is My commandment, that you love one another as I have loved you." In everything, I pray we do not forget this often simple yet neglected command of Jesus.
Permalink 10/18/07 @ 14:54
Comment from: Pam [Member]
Hi Emily,

I am really glad to meet you. I'm looking forward to reading some of your posts. It will be nice to have another woman around.

Whenever I think about Judgment Day and about Jesus sitting on that White Throne, I remember Him saying, "You who are without sin, cast the first stone." and I know that the Righteous judgment of Jesus will be like nothing we have imagined because true Righteousness is not of us but only of Jesus.

May we all lay aside our differences before that Day.

Permalink 10/18/07 @ 15:14
Comment from: Timothy [Member] ·

If I judge of myself...I shall receive judgment of the same.

However, if I speak the judgment of the Lord, having heard it from His own mouth - THIS judgment is TRUE. For this judgment is not in my own name, of which I would also be guilty, rather THIS JUDGMENT is from God declared in His name.

Therefore, fear no man...fear God and then call on the name of Jesus, Yeshua, in all repentance. For He is your helper and will keep your foot from being Him is love perfected, which casts out fear, having covered all our sins; where we, in turn, pass from judgment into life. Amen.
Permalink 10/19/07 @ 05:55

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'So repent therefore, because all the dead in Christ and those still living in Christ, will be raised to life at the Last Day, receiving life everlasting.' ~ Timothy - Volume 3 - The Word of God is Truth...Leading to Life

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